The language of liberal constitutionalism自由主義憲政原則語(yǔ)言

出版時(shí)間:2007-2  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  作者:Schweber, Howard  頁(yè)數(shù):386  


This book explores two basic questions regarding constitutional theory. Firstly, how is the creation of a legitimate constitutional regime possible? Second, what must be true about a constitution if the regime that it supports is to retain its claim to legitimacy?


Howard Schweber is associate professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin,Madison. He is the author of The Creation of American Common Law,1850-1880 and Speech,Conduct,and the First Amendment,as well as book chapters and articles in


Introduction1  The Search for Sovereignty: Law, Language, and the Beginnings of Modern Constitutionalism2   Consent How? Challenges to Lockean Constitutionalism3  Constitutional Language and the Possibility of Binding Commitments4  Consent to What? Exclusivity and Completeness in Constitutional and Legal Language5  The Question of Substance: Morality, Law, and Constitutional Legitimacy6  The Defense of Constitutional LanguageBibliographyIndex



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