出版時間:2006-2 出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr 作者:Mastroeni, Pietro (EDT)/ Maskell, Duncan (EDT) 頁數(shù):381
Salmonella enterica encompasses a diverse range of bacteria that cause a spectrum of diseases in many hosts. However, advancements in the prevention and treatment of its infections have been hampered by limited research efforts and lack of multidisciplinary approaches. This book covers a diverse range of relevant topics, including epidemiological and clinical aspects, molecular pathogenesis, and immunity to disease and vaccines. The book's up-to-date information on key aspects of salmonellosis in humans and animals, will interest graduate students and researchers, as well as clinicians.
Pietro Mastroeni is a Lecturer in the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cambridge, where he leads the Bacterial Immunology Team.
List of contributorsPreface1 Epidemiological and clinical aspects of human typhoid fever 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi 1.3 Epidemiology of typhoid fever 1.4 Pathophysiology of typhoid fever 1.5 Clinical features of typhoid fever 1.6 Diagnosis of typhoid fever 1.7 Management of typhoid fever 1.8 Control and prevention of typhoid fever 1.9 Conclusions2 Antibiotic resistance in Salmonella infections 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Antibiotic resistance in S. enterica serovar Typhi 2.3 Antibiotic resistance in enteric fevers other than typhoid 2.4 Antibiotic resistance in non-typhoid Salmonella enterica serovars 2.5 The causes of resistance 2.6 Conclusions3 Host-specificity of Salmonella infections in animal species 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Salmonella infections of cattle 3.3 Salmonella infections of pigs 3.4 Salmonella infections of domestic fowl and other avian species 3.5 What are the determinants of Salmonella serovar host-specificity? 3.6 Do host-specific serovars use a strategy of stealth to cause systemic disease? 3.7 Dissemination of Salmonella to systemic tissues - an evolutionary dead-end or an alternative means of inter-animal spread? 3.8 Conclusions 3.9 Acknowledgements4 Public health aspects of Salmonella enterica in food production 4.1 Introduction and historical perspective 4.2 Recent trends in S. enterica infections 4.3 Human disease caused by S. enterica and vehicles for its transmission to humans 4.4 Animal reservoirs of S. enterica infection 4.5 Milk and milk products as vehicles of infection 4.6 Meat and meat products and S. enterica 4.7 Contamination of poultry meat with S. enterica 4.8 Eggs and egg products as vehicles of infection and the S. enterica serovar Enteritidis pandemic 4.9 The infectious dose of S. enterica 4.10 Conclusions5 The Salmonella genome: a global view 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Full genome sequences facilitate the study of Salmonella 5.3 Comparative genomics: old and new techniques 5.4 In silica tools for comparative genomics 5.5 Microarray technology as a tool for comparative genomics 5.6 Sequenced Salmonella genomes as tools for comparative genomics 5.7 In silica analysis of Salmonella genomes and comparisons between genome sequences 5.8 Mobile genetic elements: plasmids and bacteriophages 5.9 Fimbrial and pilus genes are highly variable between Salmonella genomes 5.10 Analysis of Salmonella genomes based on microarray technology ……6 Pathogenicity island and virulence of Salmonella enterica7 In vivo identification,expression and function of Salmonella virulence genes8 Mechanisms of immunity to Salmonella infections9 Inteyactions of S.enterica with phagocytic cells10 Interactions between Salmonella and dendritic cell:what happens along the way?11 Immunity go Salmonella in donestic (food animal)speciese12 Newer vaccines against typhoid fever and gastroinestinal salmonelloses13 S.enterica-based antigen delivery systemsIndexThe colour plates are situated between pages 206 and 207
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