Cannabis Dependence大麻依賴性

出版時間:2006-2  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  作者:Roffman, Roger A. (EDT)/ Stephens, Robert S. (EDT)/ Marlatt, G. Alan (FRW)  頁數(shù):371  


Cannabis dependence is controversial. What are the health and behavioral risks of becoming cannabis-dependent? What counseling approaches have been tested with adults and adolescents, and how effective are they? What are the arguments for legalization, regulation, or prohibition? Looking back and toward the future, what do we know and what do we need to learn? This state-of-the-science review sets out to answer all such questions, beginning with an historical examination and moving into diagnosis, classification, epidemiology, public health, policy, issues relating to regulation and prohibition, and evidence-based interventions.


List of contributorsAcknowledgmentsExecutive summaryForewordPart Ⅰ:The nature of cannabis dependence  1 Themes in the history of cannabis dependence    2 The diagnosis of cannabis dependence    3 Understanding the pharmacology and physiology of cannabis dependence    4 The epidemiology of cannabis dependence    5 The adverse health and psychological consequences of cannabis dependence  Part Ⅱ:Interventions with cannabis-dependent adults  6 Cognitive-behavioral and motivational enhancement treatments for cannabis dependence    7 Contingency-management interventions for cannabis dependence    8 The Marijuana check-up    9 Guided self-change : a brief motivational intervention for cannabis abuse    10 Supportive-expressive psychotherapy for cannabis dependence  Part Ⅲ:Interventions with cannabis-dependent adolescents  11 The cannabis youth treatment study : the treatment models and preliminary findings    12 The teen cannabis check-up : exploring strategies for reaching young cannabis users    13 Engaging young probation-referred marijuana-abusing individuals in treatment  Part Ⅳ:Policy  14 The policy implications of cannabis dependence  Part Ⅴ:Conclusion  15 The nature, consequences and treatment of cannabis dependence : implications for future research and policyIndex



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