出版時間:2000-01-15 出版社:Cambridge University Press 作者:John M. Walker 頁數(shù):783
In this new, 5th edition of a highly popular text, undergraduate students are introduced to all the basic experimental techniques routinely used in practical biochemistry today. Most attention is given to techniques students will encounter in their practical classes, with the principles and theories behind them explained in detail to aid understanding. As a further aid to students, essential calculations and worked answers appear at the end of each chapter. 'Key terms to understand' are also included to help students thoroughly review each topic. No contemporary book on modern biochemical techniques would be complete without chapters on molecular biology, recombinant DNA technology, genetic analysis and biomolecular interactions, and these topics have been extensively covered in this new edition. The book is essential reading for all bioscience undergraduate students and pre-clinical medical students for whom practical biochemistry, molecular biology and immunology form part of the syllabus.
Preface to thefifih edition xiiiList ofcontributorsList ofabbreviations1. General principles of biochemical investigations I. Simpkins 1.1 The nature ofbiochemistry 1.2 Bioenergetics 1.3 Methods for investigating metabolism 1.4 Practical considerations 1.5 In viva models 1.6 In vitro models 1.7 Microscopy 1.8 Keyterms 1.9 Calculations 1.10 Suggestions for further reading2. Molecular biology and basic techniques R. Rapley 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Components and primary structure of nucleic acids 2.3 Genes and genome complexity 2.4 The nature of the genetic code 2.5 Cellular location ofnucleic acids 2.6 The cellular functions of DNA 2.7 The manipulation ofnucleic acids:basic tools and techniques 2.8 Isolation and separation of nucleic acids 2.9 Restriction mapping of DNA fragments 2.10 Nucleic acid blotting methods 2.11 Gene probe derivation 2.12 Labelling DNA gene probe molecules 2.13 The polymerase chain reaction 2.14 Nucleotide sequencing ofDNA 2.15 Bioinformatics and the Internet 2.16 Key terms 2.17 Calculations 2.18 Suggestions for further reading3. Recombinant DNA and genetic analysis R. Rapley 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Constructing gene libraries 3.3 Cloning vectors 3.4 Hybridisation and gene probes 3.5 Screening gene libraries 3.6 Applications of gene cloning 3.7 Expression offoreign genes 3.8 Analysing genes and gene expression 3.9 Analysing whole genomes 3.10 Molecularbiotechnology and applications 3.11 Keyterms 3.12 Suggestions for further reading4. Immunochemical techniques R. Thorpe and S. Thorpe 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Production of antibodies 4.3 Purification and fragmentation ofimmunoglobulins 4.4 Immunoprecipitation 4.5 Labelling antibodies 4.6 Immunoblotting 4.7 Immunoassays 4.8 Immunohisto/cytochemistry 4.9 Affinity and avidity 4.10 Immunochemical use of surface plasmon resonance 4.11 Key terms5. Centrifugation techniques A. Griffiths 6. Protein structure, purification and characterisation J. Walker 7. Biomolecular interactions I. Enzymes K. Wilson 8. Biomolecular interactions II. Cell surface receptors and transporters K. Wilson 9. Spectroscopic techniques I. Atomic and molecular electronic spectroscopy D. B. Gordon 10. Spectroscopic techniques II. Vibrational spectroscopy and electronic and nuclear spin orientation in magnetic fields D. B. Gordon 11. Mass spectrometric techniques D. B. Gordon 12. Electrophoretic techniques J. M. Walker 13. Chromatographic techniques K. Wilson 14. Radioisotope techniques R. J. Slater 15. Electrochemical techniques P. K. Robinson.
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