The Mental Health Needs of Young Offenders少年罪犯的精神衛(wèi)生需求

出版時間:2007-10  作者:Kessler, Carol L., M.D. (EDT)/ Kraus, Louis J., M.D. (EDT)  頁數:450  


The majority of young people in the American juvenile justice system have diagnosable mental illnesses,including substance abuse,mental retardation and learning disorders。However,these often remain undetected and untreated。 In this book,a team of experts examines the prevalence of mental disorders in this population and describes the means of screening for,diagnosing,and treating them effectively in a developmentally appropriate,culturally sensitive manner。They also examine psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic approaches;innovative alternatives to detention;the true costs of detaining youth;vulnerability to self-incrimination;and the alarming trend of minority confinement。Their comprehensive coverage includes discussion of ethical dilemmas and the need for preventive strategies and integrated approaches involving judicial,law enforcement, educational,and mental health professionals。 This book will be of interest to both mental health and juvenile justice professionals。


List ofcontributorsForewordClarice J KestenbaumAcknowledgments1 An overview of child and adolescent mental health needs  in the juvenile justice system  Carol L Kessler2 Psychiatric disorders of youth in detention  Linda A.Teplin,Karen M.Abram,Gary M.McClelland,Amy A.Mericle  Mina K.Dulcan,Jason J Washburn,and Shiraz Butt3 Disproportionate minority confinement  William Arroyo4 Police interrogation of youth  Allison D.Redlich and Steven Drizin5 Assessing children’s competence to stand trial and to waive Miranda  rights:new directions for legal and medical decision—making  in juvenile courts  Thomas F.Geraghty,Louis J.Kraus,and Peter Fink6 The etiology of antisocial behavior:biopsychosocial risk factors  across development    l 2  Kayla Pope and Christopher R.Thomas7 Substance abuse in youth offenders  Deborah R.Simkin8 Suicide and delinquent adolescents  Amer Smajkic and David C Cla rk9 Juvenile sex 0ffenders Corinne Belsky,Wade C.Myers,and Daniel Bober10 Educational needs of youth in the juvenile justice system   Malika Closson and Kenneth M.Rogers11 Science and the juvenile death penaIty  David Fassler and Stephen K HarDer12 Medical issues regarding incarcerated ad01escents    Robert E Morris13 Mental health screening and assessment in juvenile justice  Gina M Vincent,Thomas GrisSO,and Anna Terry14 Psychological testing in juvenile justice settings  Ruth Kraus and Julie Wolf15 psyChopharmacology and juvenile delinquencv  Ni ranjan S Karnik,Marie V.Soller,and Hans Steiner16 EVidence—based treatment for justice—involved vouth  Eric Trupin17 Community alternatives to incarceration  Christopher R.Thomas18 InnovatiVe problem—solving court models for Justice—inv01ved vouth  Carol L.Kessler    。19 Ethical issues of youthful offenderS:confidentiality;right to receive  and to refuse treatment;seclusion and restraint  Lilia Romero—Bosch and Joseph V.Penn20 Post—adjudicatory assessment of youth  Louis J Kraus and Hollie Sobel



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