Stellar Rotation恒星的旋轉(zhuǎn)

出版時間:2007-7  作者:Tassoul, Jean-Louis  頁數(shù):256  


  Like the Earth and planets, stars rotate. This authoritative volume provides a lucid introduction to stellar rotation and the definitive reference to the subject. It combines theory and observation in a comprehensive survey of how the rotation of stars affects the structure and evolution of the Sun, single stars, and close binaries. This timely book will be of primary interest to graduate students and researchers studying solar and stellar rotation and close binary systems. It will also appeal to those with a more general interest in solar and stellar physics, star formation, binary stars, and the hydrodynamics of rotating fluids -- including geophysicists, planetary scientists, and plasma physicists.


Preface1 Observational basis 1.1 Historical development 1.2 The Sun 1.3 Single stars 1.4 Close binaries 1.5 Bibliographical notes2 Rotating fluids 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The equations of fluid motion 2.3 The vorticity equation 2.4 Reynolds stresses and eddy viscosities 2.5 Applications to the Earth's atmosphere 2.6 The wind-driven oceanic circulation 2.7 Barotropic and baroclinic instabilities 2.8 Self-gravitating fluid masses 2.9 Bibliographical notes3 Rotating stars 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Basic concepts 3.3 Some tentative solutions 3.4 The dynamical instabilities 3.5 The thermal instabilities 3.6 The eddy-mean flow interaction 3.7 Bibliographical notes4 Meridional circulation 4.1 Introduction 4.2 A frictionless solution 4.3 A consistent first-order solution 4.4 A consistent second-order solution 4.5 Meridional circulation in a cooling white dwarf 4.6 Meridional circulation in a close-binary component 4.7 Meridional circulation in a magnetic star 4.8 Discussion 4.9 Bibliographical notes5 Solar rotation 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Differential rotation in the convection zone 5.3 Meridional circulation in the radiative core 5.4 Spin-down of the solar interior 5.5 Discussion 5.6 Bibliographical notes6 The early-type stars 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Main-sequence models 6.3 Axial rotation along the upper main sequence 6.4 Circulation, rotation, and diffusion 6.5 Rotation of evolved stars 6.6 Bibliographical notes7 The late-type stars 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Schatzman's braking mechanism 7.3 Rotation of T Tauri and cluster stars 7.4 Rotational evolution of low-mass stars 7.5 Bibliographical notes8 Tidal interaction 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The tidal-torque mechanism 8.3 The resonance mechanism 8.4 The hydrodynamical mechanism 8.5 Contact binaries: The astrostrophic balance 8.6 Discussion 8.7 Bibliographical notesEpilogueSubject indexAuthor index




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