出版時(shí)間:2005-7 作者:Hansell, Michael H./ Overhill, Raith (ILT) 頁數(shù):280
“clearly organized and very well written,This book is a treasure,and is a pleasure to read”Ethology?! 癏ansell’s book contains loads of information that will be both helpful to the scientist and interesting to the enthusiast,it is thorough,engaging,and fun to read。Hansell’s book will be enjoyed by students of ornithology,animal behavior,ecology,and evolutionary biology。It will become a valuable part of the collections of university libraries,professional ornithologists,and those generally enthusiastic about all things avian?!盇uk “Well written,provides and excellent overview,Of interest to anyone with a passion for evolutionary biology,the book describes fascinating works of engineering and architecture,bird nests are beautiful and serve their purpose well。 The same can also be said of this book?!盢ature “This is a comprehensive and stimulating volume for students and professional researchers in ecology,evolution,and ornithology at many levels。Discussions of nest structure and material properties will appeal to engineers,architects,and students of materials science。The book contains a wealth of excellent and well-selected black-and-white illustrations and photographs,and greatly extends the work of earlier volumes of bird-nesting biology?!?Choice
Acknowledgements1 Animal builders and the importance of bird nests 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Builders extend their control 1.3 The extended phenotype concept 1.4 Building behaviour changes habitats 1.5 Exploitation of the resources by others 1.6 Nests reinforce sociallife 1.7 The builders 1.8 Are there shared characters among builders? a) Simple minded b)NO specialist anatomy C)Techniques shape materials but materials shape techniques 1.9 Chapter by chapter 1.10 The taxonomic convention2 The clutch—nest relationship 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The nests and brood care of dinosaurs 2.3 Why do birds lay eggs? 2.4 DO chicks need nests? 2.5 Clutch size 2.6 The nest and clutch size3 Standardising the nest description 3.1 The nest profile survey 3.2 Nest identification,morphometrics and type a)Identity of the nest b)Nest weight and dimensions C)Nest shape d) Nest site e)Nest attachment The four nest zones 3.4 The materials a)Inorganic materials b)Animal materials C)Plant,lichen and fungal materials d)Others 3.5 Additionalinformation a)Building techniques b) Adults and young C)Biological associations d)Special features and comments e)Sketches and photographs4 Construction 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Types of construction method 4.3 Sculpting 4.4 Moulding 4.5 Piling up 4.6 Sticking together 4.7 Interlocking a)Entangle b)Stitches and pop—rivets c1 Velcro 4.8 Weaving 4.9 How difficult is nest building? 4.10 Tool use and tool making5 The functional architecture of the nest 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The outer nest layer a)Nest decoration and nest size b) Frequency and type of decorative materials C)Snake skin d) Heads and tails 5.3 Nest attachment a)Number and type of materials in attachments b)Attachment type and nest support diameter c)Occurrence of attachment types 5.4 The structural nest layer a)Nest weight and nest design in relation tO bird weight b) Number of materials in the structural layer c) Associations of materials d)Standard units e) Silk f)Grass g)Sticks h)Design and convergence6. The cost of nest building; 7. The selection of a nest site; 8. Bowers, building quality and mate assessment; 9. The evolution of nest building; Bibliography; Index. ReferencesAuthor indexGeneral indexSpecies index
Bird Nests and Construction Behaviour鳥巢與建筑行為 PDF格式下載