Floral Designs and Initials CD-ROM and Book花卉與首字母設計

出版時間:2006-9  出版社:Dover Pubns  作者:Mary Carolyn Waldrep  頁數(shù):48  


  Looking to personalize linens or towels? Design illuminated letters? Create rich floral motifs? Then this is the collection for you! This lovely archive of blossoming illustrations will make any craft project or graphic assignment flourish. Included are hundreds of graceful and imaginative designs featuring flowers, leaves, and vines in delicate interlacements. Most incorporate elaborately embellished initials, monograms, and names and you can choose from a variety of blooms——from delicate sprays of tiny flowers enhancing entire names to single roses framing large letters.



    Floral Designs and Initials CD-ROM and Book花卉與首字母設計 PDF格式下載

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