出版時間:2002-1 出版社:Dover Pubns 作者:Albert Almoznino 頁數(shù):64
Making hand shadows on the wall is an age-old pastime that has provided count-less hours of entertainment for children and adults alike. In this entertaining how-to book, a master of the art goes far beyond the basics to reveal his secrets for creating realistic, lifelike hand shadows. With practice and patience, you too can soon learn how to arrange your hands and fingers to form shadow images of a lumbering dinosaur, a pair of playful monkeys,an eagle slowly taking flight, a cat scratching itself, a howling wolf, and a neighing horse. You'll also discover how to create profiles of Abraham Lincoln, John F.Kennedy, Fidel Castro, and other notables; and how to make recognizable silhou-ettes of churches, a pagoda, the Eiffel Tower, and more. Clear explanations and over 70 illustrations show precisely how to hold your hands in order to make the shadows seem lifelike. You'll also find expert advice on finger exercises to make it easier to produce hand shadows, and even how to organize a performance of your own shadow art. Ideal for children, this book will also appeal to adults, especially to magicians and other stage performers.
INTRODUCTIONPRELIMINARIES The Tools You Need Technical Instructions How to Produce ShadowsANIMALS The Crab The Rabbit The Rabbit and the Dog The Jackal The Wolf The Horse The Donkey The Camel The Elephant The Kangaroo The Deer The Fawn The Duck The Swan The Roosting Hen The Peacock The Cow The Giraffe and the Monkey Two Monkeys The Dinosaur The Eagle The Panther The CatPEOPLE The American Indian Vatican Prelates Baseball Player Farmer Cowboy Abraham Lincoln Stalin John F. Kennedy De Gaulle Ben-Gurion Richard M. Nixon Gamal Abdel Nasser Fidel CastroPLANTS AND FLOWERS OF THE DESERT BUILDINGS Eiffel Tower Churches Tower PagodaCONCLUSION
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