Symphonies Nos. 1 and 2 in Full Score艾爾加交響樂(lè)第一號(hào)和第二號(hào)作品全譜

出版時(shí)間:1999-7  出版社:Dover  作者:Edward Elgar  頁(yè)數(shù):358  


One of the last of the Romantic composers, Edward Elgar (1857-1934) was alsoone of England's greatest. Famous for the boldness of his musical creations, hecomposed works notable for their striking colors and unique, very personalsense of structure. The two symphonies in this collection represent Elgar's bestand most powerful work.    The Symphony No. 1 in A-flat Major (Op. 55), termed by Grove's Dictionary ofMusic and Musicians as "the majestic opening of the richest period in Elgar'scareer," created a sensation and was performed more than 100 times in the yearof its debut. Its companion piece in this edition, Symphony No. 2 in E-flat Major(Op. 63), achieves an even greater degree of clarity and directness of expres-sion. According to Grove's, "it may be taken to be the high-water mark of Elgar'screative genius in instrumental music." The composer himself called this work"the passionate pilgrimage of a soul."    Reproduced from authoritative scores in this handy, high-quality volume, thesymphonies are sure to be warmly received by musicians and music lovers alike.    Original Dover (1999) compilation of two works originally published separatelyby Novello and Company, Limited, London, 1908 and 1911. Instrumentation.368pp. 83/8×111/4. Paperbound.


Symphony No.1 in A-flat major,OP.55(1907-8)  Ⅰ Andante.Nobilmente e semplice  Ⅱ Allegro molto  Ⅲ Adagio  Ⅳ Lento(121)-Allegro(125)Symphony No.2 in E-flat major,Op.63  Ⅰ Allegro vivace e nobilmente  Ⅱ Larghetto  Ⅲ Rondo:Presto  Ⅳ Moderato e maestoso



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