Symphony No. 9德沃夏克第9交響曲

出版時間:1997-7  出版社:Dover Publications Inc.  作者:Antonin Dvorak  頁數(shù):76  


A great and lasting favorite in the vast symphonic literature, Antonin Dvorak's "New World" Symphony is among the composer's most enduring and appealing works, exceptionally popular worldwide ever since its premiere in 1893. The work rose out of the composer's three-year stay in the United States, blending echoes of American Indian impressions with music that reflects Dvorak's Bohemian home- land. Folksy, evocative, spontaneous, endlessly melodic, and rhythmically alive and inventive, his Symphony No. 9 is the composer at his very best and most char-teristic.    This work appears in full score with original instrumentation, bar-numbered move-ments, and ample margins at the bottom of each score page for notes and analy-sis. Ideal for study in the classroom, at home, or in the concert hall, this affordable,high-quality, convenient-sized volume will be the edition of choice for music stu-dents and music lovers alike.


Ⅰ.Adagio-Allegro moltoⅡ.LargoⅢ.Scherzo:Molto vivaceⅣ.Allegro con fuoco



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