500 Best-Loved Song Lyrics500首最受歡迎歌曲的歌詞

出版時間:1998-10  出版社:Dover Pubns  作者:Ronald Herder  頁數(shù):403  


"What are the words to that song?" is a common question, and trying hopelessly to remember a nagging, half-finished phrase can sometimes be enough to drive a person over the edge. It's a situation that 500 Best-Loved Song Lyrics, collected and edited by Ronald Herder, attempts to rectify. From "The Aba Daba Honeymoon" (by Arthur Fields and Walter Donovan, 1914) to "Zum Gali Gali" (Israeli work song), it covers scads of folk songs, hymns, and old-time show tunes. In the case of songs with multiple versions, Herder has chosen, as he puts it in his introduction, "the text that is most memorable, that captures the spirit of the original song the way we remembered it, that is truly 'best-loved.'" However, if the lyrics you're trying to remember are from a tune along the lines of "Proud Mary" or the theme song from the Brady Bunch, you're out of luck: in keeping with Dover Publications' standard practice, all of the included words are out of copyright, and that means they must be over 50 years old. But for Christmas carols, patriotic songs (you'll find all four verses of "The Star-Spangled Banner"), folk music, and the kind of old-time popular songs that accompany vintage cartoons from Disney and Warner Bros., this is a very useful little collection. The index is in the front, and all the songs are arranged alphabetically. One caveat: although several songs in foreign languages are provided, translations are not. (So what does "Zum Gali Gali" mean, anyway? You'll have to seek the answer elsewhere.) --Sarah Bryan Miller.


A  Aba Daba Honeymoon, The    A-B-C-D (see The Alphabet Song)  Abide with Me  Ach, du Lieber Augustin  Across the Wide Missouri(see Shenandoah)  Adeste Fideles(see 0 Come, All Ye Faithful)  After the Ball  After You've Gone  Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life  Ah! Vous Diraioje, Maman  Alexander's Ragtime Band  Alice Blue Gown  All God's Children Got Shoes  All Night, All Day  All Through the Night  Alouette  Alphabet Song, The  Amazing Grace  America (My Country! 'Tis of Thee)  America the Beautiful  Anchors Aweigh  Angels, from the Realms of Glory  Angels We Have Heard on High  Annabel Lee  Annie Laurie  Ash Grove, The  As I Walked Out in the Streets of Laredo  Asleep in the Deep  At a Georgia Campmeeting(A Song in Black)  Au Clair de la Lune  Auld Lang Syne  Aupres de Ma Blonde  Aura Lea  Ave Maria  Away in a MangerB  Baa! Baa! Black Sheep  Ballin' the Jack  Bamba, La  Band Played On, The  Barbara Allen  Battle Cry of Freedom, The  Battle Hymn of the Republic  Beautiful Dreamer  Beautiful Isle of Somewhere  Beautiful Ohio  Because  Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms  Belle of Av'noo "A," The  Bells of St. Mary's, The  Be My Little Baby Bumblebee  Bicycle Built for Two, A(see Daisy Bell)  Big Rock Candy Mountain, The  Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home?  Billy Boy  Bird in a Gilded Cage, A  Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair  Blow the Man Down  Blue Bells of Scotland, The  Blue Tail Fly, The(see Jim Crack Corn)  Boar's Head Carol, The  Bobby Shaftoe  Bowery, The  Brahms' Lullaby ("Wiegenlied")  Break Forth, O Beauteous, Heav'nly Light  Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella  Bringing in the Sheaves  Brother, Come and Dance with Me  Buffalo Gals  By the Beautiful Sea  By the Light of the Silvery MoonC  Caissons Go Rolling Along, The  Campbells Are Comin', The  ……



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