出版時間:1995-11 出版社:Dover 作者:Johann Sebastian Bach 頁數(shù):194
Among the many great works created for the church liturgy by Johann Se bastian Bach, the Magnificat in D is one of the most universally loved and studied. It ist hought that Bach originally composed it for Christmas 1723, soon after arriving in Leipzig to take up his musical duties at the Thomass chule, then later revised it. Bach scored the Latin text of the Magni ficat for soloists, five-part chorus and an orchestra of two flutes, two oboes, three trumpets, timpani, strings and basso continuo. Powerful, compact and deeply moving, this ardent hymn of praise is today one of the most frequently performed of all masterworks of devotional music. In addition to the Magni ficat, this volume contains all six Bach motets. Most of these stirring contrapuntal works, generally sung a cappella, were created, like the Magnificat, during the composer's earliest years in Leipzig. The motets were composed for special occasions, probably for memorial services of prominent Leipzig citizens. The motets are "Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied," "Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf," Jesu, meine Freude," "'F~rchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir," "Komm, Jesu, komm!" and "Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden." Along with the Magnificat in D, they have been reprinted here from the authoritative Bach-Gesellschaft edition published by Breitkopf & H~irtel of Leipzig. Unabridged Dover (1995) republication of the Magnificat (D dur) and Motetten, in Vols. 11 and 39, respectively, of the Bach-Gesellschaft edition of Bach's works, published by Breitkopf & Hairtel, Leipzig, n.d. Instrumentation. Texts and Translations. 208pp.93/8X121/4. Paperbound.
Texts and TranslationsMAGNIFICAT IN D BWV 243, ca. 1728-31 Solo vocal quintet (SSATB), chorus (SSATB) and orchestra Note and Instrumentation Magnificat [Chorus, orchestra, continuo*] Et exultavit [Soprano II solo, violins, viola] Quia respexit omnes generationes [Soprano I solo, oboe d'amore chorus, orchestra] Quia fecit [Bass solo] Et misericordia [Alto and tenor soli, flutes, violins, viola] Fecit potentiam [Chorus, orchestra] Deposuit potentes [Tenor solo, violins] Esurientes implevit [Alto solo, flutes] Suscepit Israel [Sopranos I, II and alto soli, oboes] Sicut locutus [Chorus] Gloria Patti [Chorus, orchestra]SIX MOTETS 1. "Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied" ["Sing a new song to the Lord"] BWV 225, 1727[?] SATB/SATB 2. "Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf" ["The Spirit helps us in our weakness"] BWV 226, 1729 SATB/SATB Chorale: Du heilige Brunst 3. "Jesu, meine Freude" ["Jesus, my joy"] BWV 227, 1723[?] SSATB Chorale: Jesu, meine Freude (SATB) Es ist nun nichts (SSATB) Chorale: Unter deinen Schirmen (SSATB) Denn das Gesetz (SSA) Trotz dem alten Drachen (SSATB) Chorale: Weg mit allen Sch/itzen (SATB) So aber Christus (ATB) Gute Nacht (SSAT) So nun der Geist dess (SSATB) Chorale: Weicht, ihr Trauergeister (SATB) 4. "F/irchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir" ["Do not fear, I am with you"] BWV 228, 1726[?] SATB/SATB 5. "Komm, Jesu, komm" ["Come, Jesus, come"] BWV 229, 1730 SATB/SATB "Aria": Drauf schliess 6. "Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden" ["Praise the Lord, all heathen nations"] BWV 118, uncertain date SATB, continuo
Magnificat in D and the Six Motets in Full Score 巴赫D調(diào)頌歌和六首圣歌全譜 PDF格式下載