Keyboard Works for Solo Instrument 亨德爾鍵盤樂曲獨奏作品

出版時間:1982-9  出版社:Dover  作者:George Frideric Handel  頁數(shù):169  


The music historian Sir John Hawkins recorded that his friend Handel's keyboard improvisations "stole on the ear in a slow and solemn progression; the harmony close wrought, and as full as eonld possibly be expressed; the passages eon- catenated with stupendous art, the whole at the same time being perfectly intelligible, and carrying the appearance of great simplicity.'' Such fecund spontaneity generated the few published pieces Handel wrote specifically for the keyboard. The first set of suites appeared in 1720, perhaps composed and pub-lished for the instruction of Princess Anne, to whom Handel served as music master. Other collections of harpsichord and clavichord work followed; all seem to have been preserved from Handel's freely inventive keyboard sessions. Here, for tile first time in a popularly accessible edition, are 35 of his finest keyboard works for solo instruments, reproduced from the monumental Deutsche Handel-gesellschaft edition, still the the most complete.


Suite in A Major (HG II/i/1)  Prelude (G 1)  Allemande (G 2)  Courante (G 3)  Gigue (G 4)Fugue in A Minor (G 17) (HG II/iv/5)Prelude (G 18) and Lesson (G 19) in  A Minor (HG II/iii/6)Fugue in B Minor (G 27) (HG II/iv/4)Suite in B-flat Major (HG II/ii/7)  Aflemande (G 30)  Courante (G 31)  Sarabande (G 32)  Gigue (G 33)Suite in B-flat Major (HG ll/ii/1)  Prelude (G 34)  Sonata (Allegro) (G 35)  Air (with 5 variations) (G 36)Fugue in B-flat Major (G 37) (HG II/iv/3)Sonatina in B-flat Major (G 40) (HG II/iii/lO)Sonata in C Major (HG II/iii/12)  Allegro (G 56)  Trio (G 57)  Gavotte (G 58)Sonata in C Major (G 59) (HG II/iii/ll)Fantasia in C Major (G 60) (HG II/iii/4)Fugue in C Minor (G 83) (HG II/iv/6)Suite in D Minor (HG II/ii/4)  Allemande (G 108)  Courante (G 109)  Sarabande (with 2 variations) (G 110)  Gigue (G 111)Suite in D Minor (HG II/i/3)  Prelude (G 112)  Allegro [Fugue] (G 113)  Allemande (G 114)  Courante (G 115)  Air (with 5 variations) (G 116)  Presto (G 117)Suite in D Minor (HG ll/ii/3)  Allemande (G 118)  Allegro (G 119)  Air [Sarabande] (G 120)  Gigue (G 121)  Minuet (G 122)Suite in D Minor (HG II/iii/1  Allemande (G 123)  Courante (G 124)  Sarabande (G 125)  Gigue (G 126)……




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