FROMMER'S BOSTON 2007 波士頓 2007

出版時間:2006-9  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Morris, Marie  頁數(shù):306  


Completely updated every year (unlike most of the competition), Frommer's Boston features gorgeous color photos of the sights and experiences that await you. Our author, a longtime resident of Boston's North End, hits all the highlights, from Fenway Park to the Freedom Trail. She's checked out all the city's best hotels and restaurants in person, and offers authoritative, candid reviews that will help you find the choices that suit your tastes and budget. You'll also get up-to-the-minute coverage of shopping and nightlife; in-depth coverage of Cambridge; detailed walking tours; accurate neighborhood maps; advice on planning a successful family vacation; and side trips to Lexington, Concord, Plymouth, and the North Shore. Frommer's Boston also includes a color fold-out map.


List of MapsWhat’s New in Boston1.The Best of Boston2.Planning Your Trip to Boston3.Suggested Boston Itineraries4.Getting to Know Boston5.Where to Stay6.Where to Dine7.What to See & Do in Boston8.Boston Strolls9.Shopping10.Boston After Dark11.Side Trips from BostonAppendix: Boston in DepthIndex



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