
出版時間:2006-4  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Kim George  頁數(shù):268  


Internationally acclaimed business coach and consultant Kim George provides an easy-to-master process for coaches to bring out innate greatness and achieve peak performance. George introduces a new kind of intelligence quotient, Abundance Intelligence. AQ is the key to living into greatness, moving from a mentality of scarcity to one of abundance. Using her proven four-step process, you will learn to move your clients past their illusions to embrace the abundance aptitudes of self-worth, empathy, self-expression, surrender, actualization, significance, and inquiry. Personal examples, client case studies, and profiles of highly successful individuals demonstrate how the process works and how it helps individuals live into greatness.


ForewordAcknowledgmentsIntroduction1.A New Way of Being2.Why Greatness? 3.Forgetting Who You Are4.Remembering Who You Are5.The Illusion of Not Enough6.The Illusion of Comparisons7.The Illusion of Struggle8.The Illusion of Control9.The Illusion of Time10.The Illusion of Hope11.The Illusion of Certainty12.Creating Abundance IntelligenceAppendix: The AQ System at a GlanceRecommended ReadingGlossaryAbout the AuthorInterested in Learning More about Abundance IntelligenceIndex



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