
出版時(shí)間:2006-5  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Kathy Aaronson  頁數(shù):192  


Nationally recognized executive recruiter and sales trainer Kathy Aaronson has thrived in sales through three deep rolling recessionsand the aftermath of 9/11. She has built a loyal following nationwide by sharing the secrets of finding career satisfaction and security despite changes in the economy, business practices, or workforce demands. In The Golden Apple, Aaronson takes readers back to the roadside vegetable stand where, driven by "kid courage,"she first learned how to see value that others had ignored and how to communicate and provide that value to create customer satisfaction.    As an eight-year-old selling the oddly shaped, unevenly colored rejects from her family's farm—and drawing customers away from the produce aisles at the grocery store—Aaronson began to understand key principles of establishing positive connections with others and providing value in a way that others can appreciate. She built on those principles as one of the first women to succeed in national advertising sales for Cosmopolitan, Working Woman, and W magazines before turning her focus full time to The Sales Athlete, Inc. As a salestrainer and recruiter, she has been retained by more than a thousand companies, including the Tribune Company, Time Warner, and Emmis Communications.     The Golden Apple recounts the lessons Aaronson has learned from a lifetime of turning unrealized value into bankable, tangible results. Straightforward, entertaining, and easy to like, this value-packed rulebook is built around the nine essential lessons that drive success in literally every aspect of your life.     Whatever your level of accomplishment, The Golden Apple will give you the knowledge and encouragement you need to reach that elusive next level. Lively where other business books are dry, clear-cut where other business books are vague, it will show you how to achieve personal and professional success by detailing:     A step-by-step approach for life and business that makes success easier than failure;    Tips on how to break through each and every time you hear "No" and build positive business  relationships even with people who are initially rude, indifferent, or skeptical;    A road map for developing mentors and loyal client relationships that will bring you career satisfaction and security regardless of changes in the economy;    Case studies, examples, checklists, and more for transforming the book's wisdom and examples into concrete action0.    The Golden Apple is about recognizing and presenting value—in yourself, in your career, and in the people you meet everywhere you go. Profound in its simplicity, it will help you reach inside yourself to rediscover your "kid courage" and give you the power you need to be more credible and confident in your career and life. 作者簡介:    KATHY AARONSON is the founder and CEO of the executive recruitment and sales training firm, The Sales Athlete, Inc., with offices in Los Angeles and New York City. A nationally recognized expert on executive sales, she has been consulting with major companies for three decades to increase revenue and market share and coaching individuals to find career happiness and wealth. Aaronson has won numerous awards and accolades, has been inducted into the National Association of WomenBusiness Owners Millennium Hall of Fame (2000),and has also been featured in the PBS documentary,The People's Century.Visit www.salesathlete.com/goldenapple


KATHY AARONSON is the founder and CEO of the executive recruitment and sales training firm, The Sales Athlete, Inc., with offices in Los Angeles and New York City. A nationally recognized expert on executive sales, she has been consulting with major companies for three decades to increase revenue and market share and coaching individuals to find career happiness and wealth. Aaronson has won numerous awards and accolades, has been inducted into the National Association of WomenBusiness Owners Millennium Hall of Fame (2000),and has also been featured in the PBS documentary,The People's Century.Visit www.salesathlete.com/goldenapple


Acknowledgments Introduction Part One: Bringing Out the Value Within   1 Finding Worth, Providing Value     Checklist: What Is Value?     Nothing Happens Until You Sell Yourself   2 Slowing Down the Traffic     Creating Prospects     The Five-Touch Technique   3 Why We Buy, and How     The Four Universal Types of Customers     Building Loyalty with Every Sale Part Two: Turning Cold Calls into Warm Relationships   4 Communicating with All the People, All the Time     Six Possible Responses to Your Approach   5 The Well-Polished Presenter     The 24-Hour Professional     Packaging Counts   6 Storytelling Selling     New Ideas: How to Show, Tell, and Sell     A Seven-Point Presentation Structure for Selling Anything     Rules for Storytelling Selling     Part Three: Giving Something Extra   7 An Apple for the Road     Ten “Something Extra” Ideas     Replenish—So You’ll Have Something Extra to Give   8 An Apple for the Teacher     How to Find a Mentor     How to Keep a Mentor   9 It’s All about the People     How to Choose a Career You’ll Love     Career Security through Thick and Thin Epilogue: The Most Important People Appendix: The Golden Apple Action Plan About the Author Index



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