
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:吉林長白山  作者:Jay L. Lebow  頁數(shù):520  


Twenty-First Century Psychotherapies provides thorough coverage of the methods of psychotherapy now held in the highest regard, both for the quality of the research evidence behind them and for their effectiveness with a variety of treatment populations and treatment settings.


JAY L.LEBOW PHD is senior therapist and research connsultant at the Family institure at Northwestern University and an Adjunct Associate Profesor at Northwestern University He has served as editor of the Handbook of Clinical Family Therapy and the Integrative/Eclectic volume of the Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy and is past president of APA s Division of Family Psychology.


Contributors ListPrefaceChapter1  IntroductionChapter2  Behavior TherapyChapter3  Cognitive ThreapyChapter4  Fexpreiential TherapyChapter5  Mindfulness-and Acceptance-Based TherapyChapter6  Postmodern/Poststructuralist TherapiesChapter7  Psychoanalytic PsychotherapyChapter8  Existential PsychotherapyChapter9  Feminist TherapyChapter10  Couple and Family ThrerapyChapter11  Group TherapyChapter12  Integrative TherapyChapter13  Technical Eclecticism and Multimodal ThreapyChapter14  Common Factors in PsychotherapyAuthor IndexSubject Index



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