Case studies in abnormal psychology.變態(tài)心理學(xué)病例研究

出版時間:2006-1  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Oltmanns,Thomas F  頁數(shù):381  


Now completely up-to-date, this in-depth casebook takes mental disorders from the realm of theory into the complex reality of human lives. The new seventh edition explores the full range of psychopathologies and types of patients. The 23 cases focus on symptoms, the client's history, treatment, and the outcome to provide detailed descriptions of a wide range of clinical problems that readers may face in the field. These problems span from childhood disorders to psychotic and personality disorders.


1. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder2. Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia3. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Rape Trauma4. Social Phobia5. Hypertension in an African American Man6. Dissociative Identity Disorder: Multiple Personality7. Major Depressive Disorder8. Bipolar Mood Disorder9. Somatization Disorder10. Schizophrenia: Paranoid Type11. Psychotic Disorder (NOS), Substance Dependence, and Violence12. Alcohol Dependence13. Sexual Dysfunction: Female Orgasmic Disorder14. Paraphilias: Exhibitionism and Frotteurism15. Gender Identity Disorder: Transsexualism16. Eating Disorder: Anorexia Nervosa17. Eating Disorder: Bulimia Nervosa18. Paranoid Personality Disorder19. Borderline Personality Disorder20. Antisocial Personality Disorder: Psychopathy21. Autistic Disorder22. Attentlon-Deficlt/HyperacUvlty Disorder23. Separation Anxiety Disorder: School PhobiaReferencesIndex




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