Driving Your Company's Value推動公司價值觀

出版時間:2004-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Mard, Michael J. (EDT)/ Dunne, Robert R./ Osborne, Edi/ Rigby, James S., Jr.  頁數(shù):193  


In Driving Your Company's Value: Strategic Benchmarking for Value, leading experts Michael Mard, Robert Dunne, Edi Osborne, and James Rigby, Jr., show senior executives how to maximize value by implementing the proven and highly effec-tive five-step SBfV process.    Only when a business's strategy, systems, and people have been aligned can a business advance successfully. Driving Your Company's Value: Strategic Benchmarking for Value provides a practical and powerful way to ensure businesses get the full benefit from their investmenl in systems and people. In an easy-to-read format, CEOs, CFOs, general managers, and other senior managers will discover how to:    ● Improve strategic decision making    ● Provide greater management accountability    ● Require a more effective allocation of company resources    ● Improve capital management    ● Align performance measurement to critical success factors    ● Provide a common organizational language    ● Develop a corporate structure that understands how daily actions impact value    ● Provide the management team with a more effective and communicable strategic planning process


Michael J.Mard,CPA/ABV,ASA,is a Managing Director of The Financial Valuation Group (FVG) in Tampa,Florida.He was founding president of The Financial Consulting Group,a national association of professional service firms dedicated to excellence in valuation


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsOverview  Understanding Value  Free Cash Flow  The Five Dimensions of Value  A Holistic Approach  SBfV or EVA  Return on Equity  Economic Value Added  The SBfV ProcessStep 1 Current State  Qualitative Analysis of the Company's Current State  Analyzing the Industry  Analyzing the Company  Quantitative Analysis of the Company's Current StateStep 2 Desired Future State  Future State  Core Strategy  Critical Success Factors  Key Performance Indicators  BenchmarkingStep 3 Strategic Benchmarking Keys  How Strategy Alignment Builds Value  Grand Strategy, Strategy, or Tactics?  Translating Grand Strategy into Strategy Execution  Grand Strategy Alignment Maps  Alignment Thesis and Value Propositions  Achieving Strategic Alignment  A Strategy Alignment Model That Works-SBfVStep 4 Alignment Execution  Alignment Execution  Putting it TogetherStep 5 Benchmark and Monitor Return on Strategic Effectiveness  Benchmark and Monitor Return on Strategy Execution ClosingAppendix: Websites of InterestIndex



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