Chemical Process Technology化學處理技術(shù)

出版時間:2001-5  出版社:吉林長白山  作者:Jacob A. Moulijn 著  頁數(shù):453  


Chemical Process Technology is a comprehensive introduction, examining both the fundamental concepts and applied nature of this subject. Modern process development relies on a knowledge of many different disciplines and an application and integration of this knowledge. Chemical Process Technology provides an essential bridge between the chemical sciences and the chemical industry. It enables the reader to integrate fundamental knowledge of the basic disciplines, to understand the most important chemical processes, and to apply this knowledge and understanding to industrial processes.   This innovative textbook examines both large-scale and small-scale chemical and biotechnology industries and aims to bring to life the concepts that form the basis of the process industry. Starting with a general look at the industry, subsequent chapters examine different processes in greater detail. Emphasis tends to be placed on chemical reactions and the reactor, both at the heart of each process, but coverage also includes feed pre-treatment and product separation.   Features:   A comprehensive and balanced introduction, providing an essential link between chemistry and the chemical industry   Includes problems with their solutions to encourage a fuller understanding of the project. Many examples and case studies taken from a variety of modern industries   Richly illustrated chapters, with many clearly developed flow diagrams and numerous figures Chemical Process Technology will be invaluable to all students of chemical engineering, biotechnology and industrial chemistry who need a modern introduction to chemical reactions and processes. The book will also be of interest to researchers and professionals needing a concise, up-to-date text on this diverse subject.


Preface1 Introduction2 The Chemical Industry 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Structure of the chemical industry 2.3 Raw materials and energy  2.3.1 Fossil fuel consumption and reserves  2.3.2 Energy and the chemical industry  2,3.3 Composition of fossil fuels 2.4 Base chemicals3 Processes in the Oil Refinery 3.1 Oil refinery - an overview 3.2 Physical processes  3.2.1 Desalting/dehydration  3.2.2 Crude distillation  3.2.3 Propane deasphalting 3.3 Thermal processes  3.3.1 Visbreaking  3.3.2 Delayed coking 3.4 Catalytic processes  3.4.1 Catalytic cracking  3.4.2 Hydrotreating  3.4.3 Hydrocracking  3.4.4 Catalytic reforming  3.4.5 Alkylation 3.5 Conversion of heavy residues  3.5.1 Flexicoking  3.5.2 Catalytic hydrogenation of residues 3.6 Treatment of refinery gas streams  3.6.1 Removal of H2S from refinery exhaust gases  3.6.2 Recovery of hydrogen from refinery gas streams 3.7 Current and future trends in oil refining  3.7.1 Reformulated gasoline  3.7.2 Diesel  3.7.3 The use of zeolites for shape selectivity in the oil refinery  3.7.4 Alternative technology and fuels4 Steam Cracking: Production of Lower Alkenes 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Cracking reactions  4.2.1 Thermodynamics  4.2.2 Mechanism  4.2.3 Kinetics 4.3 Industrial process  4.3.1 Influence of feedstock on steam cracker operation and products  4.3.2 Cracking furnace  4.3.3 Heat exchanger  4.3.4 Coke 4.4 Product processing 4.5 Current and future developments  4.5.1 Selective dehydrogenation  4.5.2 Other sources of lower alkenes5 Synthesis Gas 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Synthesis gas from natural gas  5.2.1 Reactions and thermodynamics  5.2.2 Steam reforming process  5.2.3 Advances in steam reforming  5.2.4 Autothermic reforming  5.2.5 Novel developments 5.3 Coal gasification  5.3.1 Gasification reactions  5.3.2 Thermodynamics  5.3.3 Current coal gasification processes  5.3.4 Recent developments  5.3.5 Applications 5.4 Purification and adjustment of synthesis gas  5.4.1 Conversion of carbon monoxide  5.4.2 Gas purification6 Bulk Chemicals and Synthetic Fuels Derived from Synthesis Gas 6.1 Ammonia  6.1.1 Background information  6.1.2 Thermodynamics  6.1.3 Commercial ammonia synthesis reactors  6.1.4 Ammonia synthesis loop  6.1.5 Integrated ammonia plant  6.1.6 Applications of ammonia 6.2 Methanol  6.2.1 Background information  6.2.2 Thermodynamics  6.2.3 Synthesis gas for methanol production  6.2.4 Methanol synthesis  6.2.5 Applications of methanol 6.3 Fischer-Tropsch process  6.3.1 Reactions and thermodynamics  6.3.2 Reactors used in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis……7  Inorganic Bulk Chemicals8  Homogeneous Catalysis9  Heterogeneous Catalysis-Concepts and Examples10  Fine Chemistry11  Polymerization Processes12  Biotechnology13  Process DevelopmentAppendix A:Chcemical industry-FiguresAppendix B:Main Symbols used in Flow SchemesIndex



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