作為第二語言的有機化學 Organic Chemistry I as a Second Language

出版時間:2004-12  出版社:吉林長白山  作者:DR.DAVID R.KLEIN 著  頁數(shù):303  


Organic Chemistry may be challenging, but that doesn't mean you can't get the grade you want. With David Klein's Organic Chemistry as a Second Language: Translating the Basic Concepts, you'll be able to better understand fundamental principles, solve problems, and focus on what you need to know to succeed.


IntroductionCHAPTER 1  BOND-LINE DRAWINGS 1.1 How to Read Bond-Line Drawings 1.2 How to Draw Bond-Line Drawings 1.3 Mistakes to Avoid 1.4 More Exercises 1.5 Identifying Formal Charges 1.6 Finding Lone Pairs That Are Not DrawnCHAPTER 2 RESONANCE 2.1 What Is Resonance? 2.2 Curved Arrows: The Tools for Drawing Resonance Structures 2.3 The Two Commandments 2.4 Drawing Good Arrows 2.5 Formal Charges in Resonance Structures 2.6 Drawing Resonance Structures--Step by Step 2.7 Drawing Resonance Structures--By Recognizing Patterns  A Lone Pair Next to a Pi Bond  A Lone Pair Next to a Positive Charge  A Pi Bond Next to a Positive Charge  A Pi Bond Between Two Atoms, Where One of Those Atoms I    Electronegative (N, O, etc.) Pi Bonds Going All the Way Around a Ring 2.8 Assessing the Relative Importance of Resonance StructuresCHAPTER 3 ACID-BASE REACTIONS 3.1 Factor 1--What Atom Is the Charge on? 3.2 Factor 2--Resonance 3.3 Factor 3--Induction 3.4 Factor 4  Orbitals 3.5 Ranking the Four Factors 3.6 Quantitative Measurement (pKa values) 3.7 Predicting the Position of EQuilibrium 3.8 Showing a MechanismCHAPTER 4 GEOMETRY 4.1 Orbitals and Hybridization States 4.2 GeometryCHAPTER 5 NOMENCLATURE 5.1 Functional Group 5.2 Unsaturation 5.3 Naming the Parent Chain 5.4 Naming Substituents 5.5 Stereoisomerism 5.6 Numbering 5.7 Common Names 5.8 Going from a Name to a StructureCHAPTER 6 CONFORMATIONS 6.1 How to Draw a Newman Projection 6.2 Ranking the Stability of Newman Projections 6.3 Drawing Chair Conformations 6.4 Placing Groups on the Chair 6.5 Ring Flipping 6.6 Comparing the Stability of Chairs 6.7 Don't Be Confused by the NomenclatureCHAPTER 7 CONFIGURATIONS 7.1 Locating Stereocenters 7.2 Determining the Configuration of a Stereocenter 7.3 Nomenclature 7.4 Drawing Enantiomers 7.5 Diastereomers 7.6 Meso Compounds 7.7 Drawing Fischer Projections 7.8 Optical ActivityCHAPTER 8  MECHANISMS 8.1 Curved Arrows 8.2 Arrow Pushing 8.3 Drawing Intermediates 8.4 Nucleophiles and Electrophiles 8.5 Bases Versus Nucleophiles   8.6 The Regiochemistry Is Contained Within the Mechanism ……CHAPTER 9 SUBSTITUTION REACTIONSCHAPTER 10 ELIMINATION REACTIONSCHAPTER 11 ADDITION REACTIONSCHAPTER 12 PREDICTING PRODUCTSCHAPTER 13 SYNTHESISAnswer Key Index



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