The Ancient Greeks For Dummies古希臘人

出版時間:2008-9  出版社:For Dummies  作者:Stephen Batchelor  頁數(shù):352  


If ancient history is all Greek to you, then this is the lively and straight-talking guide you've been waiting for. From academics and athletes, wars and warriors, to Athens and epic empire building, Ancient Greeks For Dummies introduces you to the fascinating history and culture of ancient Greece. You'll discover who the ancient Greeks were, where they came from, how they lived, and how their influence can still be felt around the world today. 作者簡介:    Steve Batchelor is a lecturer in Classics at Richmond College and has been teaching ancient history for 10 years. He has written reviews for various publications, including History Today, and he has also been involved in running guided historical tours of Greece.


Stephen Batchelor is a lecturer in Ancient History and Classical Studies. He writes reviews for History Today and Current Archaeology.


IntroductionPart 1: Travelling Back in Time  Chapter 1: When, Where, What, Who? Meeting the Ancient Greeks  Chapter 2: Encountering Prehistoric Civilisations:The Minoans and Mycenaeans  Chapter 3: Shedding Light on Ancient Greece's Dark Ages  Chapter 4: Governing by Kings, Tyrants, and (Eventually) Democrats  Chapter 5: Fighting and Warring: Greece Gets Heavy  Chapter 6: East versus West: The Persian WarsPart 2: Athens to Alexander:The Rise and Fall of Empires  Chapter 7: Athens and Empire Building  Chapter 8: Dealing with the Neighbours from Hell: The Peloponnesian War  Chapter 9: Losing Their Way: The End of Classical Greece  Chapter 10: Rising Quickly to the Top: Macedonia  Chapter 11: Crowning the Undefeated Champion of the World:Alexander the Great  Chapter 12: What Happened Next?Part 3: Living a Greek Life  Chapter 13: Out in the Fields: Farming, Herding, and Travelling  Chapter 14: Home and Family  Chapter 15: Going About Daily Life in Ancient Greece  Chapter 16: Plays and Pugilism: Enjoying Ancient Greek Entertainment  Chapter 17: Depicting Men, Women, and Gods in Art  Chapter 18: Building Beautiful Greek ArchitecturePart 4: Mythology, Religion, and Belief  Chapter 19: Going Back to the Beginning: Myths and Gods  Chapter 20: Blending Myth and History: Troy, Homer, and Heroes  Chapter 21: Practising Everyday Religion: 'A God Put It in My Heart to Say'  Chapter 22: Trying to Figure Everything Out: Greek PhilosophyPart 5: The Part of Tens  Chapter 23: Ten Great Greek Inventions  Chapter 24: Ten Things to Read Next  Chapter 25: Ten Dodgy Ancient Greek Characters  Chapter 26: Ten Great Places to VisitIndex




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