Dutch For Dummies荷蘭語傻瓜書

出版時間:2008-4  作者:Margreet Kwakernaak  頁數(shù):370  


Whether you want to speak DutCh for business or leisure, this easy-to-use guide will get you up to scratch in no time. The companion CD helps you master Dutch pronunciation, and the book takes you step:by-step through the theory behind written and spoken Dutch. Covering everything from grammar and vocabulary to popular expressions and local etiquette, this is the essential guide for everyone wanting to get to grips with this wonderful lanquaqe.  作者介簡:  Margreet Kwakernaak has taught Dutch to foreign students for over ten years. She is the founder and driector of Suitcase Talen, a lanuage school in Almere, the netherlands.


Introduction  About This Book  Conventions Used in This Book  Foolish Assumptions  How This Book Is Organised   Part I: Getting Started   Part II: Dutch in Action   Part III: Dutch on the Go   Part IV: The Part of Tens   Part V: Appendixes  Icons Used in This Book  Where to Go from HerePart I: Getting Started Chapter 1: You Already Know Some Dutch  The Dutch You Know Already   Close relatives   Kissing cousins.   Dunglish   Street language for Dummies  Useful Responses and Wishes  A Mouthful of Pronunciation Rules   Dealing with pronunciation in this book  Reciting Your ABC  Pronouncing Vowels   The vowel a   Open and closed syllables   The vowel e   The vowel i   The vowel o   The vowel u  Pronouncing Dutch Diphthongs   Pronouncing the diphthongs ei and ij   The diphthong oe   The diphthongs ou and au   The diphthong eu   The diphthong ui  Pronouncing Consonants  Pronouncing the Dutch 'g'  Pronunciation and Stress  Questioning and Exclaiming Chapter 2: Low-cal Grammar: Just the Basics  Parts of Speech,  Using the Definite Articles 'de' and 'het'   Using the Indefinite Article 'een'   Relating Adjectives to 'de' and 'het' Words   Finding Your Way with Prepositions   Prepositions of place: aan, binnen, buiten,in, langs, op, over, tegen, tot, and tussen   Prepositions of time: aan, in, ha, sinds, tot, voor   Phrasal verbs: verbs that go together with a preposition   The Tenses: Present, Perfect, and Past   Using the present tense   Mother's little helper: using the perfect tense   Talking about former times: using the past tense   Talking about the future ~  Five Basic Sentence Constructions   Construction one: in normal sentences the verb goes second   Construction two: after an expression of time,the verb comes first  Construction three: after an expression of place,the verb comes first  Construction four: after 'misschien', 'soms' and 'toch',the verb comes first  Construction five: in questions, the verb comes first Chapter 3: Number Magic: All Kinds of Counting  1, 2, 3 - Cardinal Numbers   Over 1000   Doing sums   Playing with fractions, per cents, and metres   Discovering Ordinal Numbers   Using ordinal numbers   Telling Time: Klokkijken   You can tell time   Rock around the clock   In the morning, in the evening?  Days, Months, Seasons   Making them small   Getting used to the Dutch seasonsPart II: Dutch in Action Chapter 4: Greetings and Introductions  Being Formal and Informal   Hallo! Greetings   The how question: how are you?   Giving the right answer  Introducing Yourself  ……Part III:Dutch on the GoPart IV:The part of TensPart V:AppendixesIndex



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