肢體語言指南Body Language For Dummies

出版時間:2007-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Elizabeth Kuhnke  頁數(shù):309  


If you are puzzled by other people or want to improve the impression you give, knowing about body language could be the key. In this book you’ll discover how the body reveals what people really mean and how you can use your body and your expressions to improve your self-image to others. It explores why we give the signals we do, how to read the most common expressions and goes on to show how you can use your new understanding of body language for success at work, in relationships and in your communication. Actions really do speak louder than words!作者簡介:  Elizabeth Kuhnke is a Positive Impact Coach and the Managing Director and Founder of Kuhnke Communication.


IntroductionPart I: In the Beginning Was the Gesture Chapter 1: Defining Body Language Chapter 2: Looking Closer at Non-verbal GesturesPart If: Starting at the Top Chapter 3: Heading to the Heart of the Matter Chapter 4: Facial Expressions Chapter 5: The Eyes Have It Chapter 6: Lip ReadingPart Ill: The Trunk: Limbs and Roots Chapter 7: Take It From the Torso Chapter 8: Arming Yourself Chapter 9: It's in the Palm of Your Hand Chapter 10: Standing Your Ground Chapter 11: Playing with PropsPart IV: Putting the Body into Socialand Business Context Chapter 12: Territorial Rights and Regulations Chapter 13: Dating and Mating Chapter 14: Interviewing, Influencing, and Playing Politics Chapter 15: Crossing the Cultural Divide Chapter 16: Reading the SignsPart V: The Part of Tens Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Spot Deception Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Reveal Your Attractiveness Chapter 19: Ten Ways to Find Out About Someone Without Asking Chapter 20: Ten Ways to Improve Your Silent CommunicationIndex




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