The CPM Silver Yearbook 2008CPM白銀年鑒 2008

出版時間:2008-5  作者:CPM Group  頁數(shù):185  


Created by Wall Street’s top commodity research firm, The CPM Silver Yearbook 2008 provides in-depth statistics, analysis, and forecasts for silver metal. The supply and demand fundamentals of this commodity are displayed in detailed charts and graphs, providing you with the information needed to make fully informed investment decisions. Packed with invaluable reference data, The CPM Silver Yearbook 2008 is a focused guide that will help you succeed in this specific market.


Ⅰ. Review and Outlook Chart:  Weekly Average Silver Prices Chart:  The Price of Silver Chart:  Supply and Demand Balance Table:  Silver Statistical Position Chart:  Silver Market Surplus/Deficit Chart:  Annual Total Supply Chart:  Annual Total Demand Chart:  Precious Metals Bullion Stocks Chart:  Estimated Silver Inventories in London and Zurich Chart:  Deficits' Effects on Prices Depend on Inventories  Annual Surpluses and Deficits  Estimated Total Silver Bullion Inventories, Year-End  Silver Bullion Inventories as Months of Demand, Year-End. Chart:  The Silver Market Table:  The Economy Chart:  Cumulative World Silver Production and Distribution Table:  World Silver Supply and Fabrication Demand Table:  Real and Nominal Silver PricesⅡ. Supply Chart:  Annual Total Supply Chart:  Mine Output in Major Silver Producing Countries, 1990-2008p Table:  Near-termMine Development Projects Table:  Mine Production of Silver Chart:  Mine Production in China, Mexico, Peru, and Australia Chart:  Annual Secondary Supply Chart:  Other Supply Chart:  Indian Silver Market Table:  Mine Production by Country Table:  Secondary and Other Supplies Table:  Indian Silver Supply Chart:  South Asian Silver TradeⅢ. Fabrication Demand Chart:  Annual Total Demand Chart:  Jewelry and Silverware Demand for Silver Chart:  Photographic Demand Chart:  Silver in Photography in 2007 Chart:  Silver in Photography in 2008 Chart:  Electronics and Batteries Chart:  Other Uses Table:  Annual Silver Use  52 Chart:  U.S. Fabrication Demand Chart:  Indian Silver Fabrication Demand Chart:  Italian Fabrication Demand  Chart:  Japanese Fabrication Demand. Chart:  European Fabrication Demand Chart:  World Silver Use Per Unit of GDP Chart:  World Silver Use Per Capita Chart:  The Indexed Price of Silver in Dollars, Euros, and Rupees since 1999.. Table:  Fabrication Demand by Country, 1960-2008p Table:  European Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  Italian Silver Fabrication Demand Chart:  German Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  German Silver Fabrication Demand Chart:  U.K. Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  United Kingdom Silver Fabrication Demand Chart:  Belgian Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  Belgian Silver Fabrication Demand Chart:  French Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  French Silver Fabrication Demand Chart:  Austrian Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  Austrian Silver Fabrication Demand Chart:  Netherlands Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  Netherlands Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  Annual U.S. Silver Fabrication Demand, 1986-1997 Table:  Annual U.S. Silver Fabrication Demand, 1998-2008p Table:  Japanese Silver Fabrication Demand, 1973-1990 Table:  Japanese Silver Fabrication Demand, 1991-2008p Chart:  Thai Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  Thai Silver Fabrication Demand Chart:  South Korean Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  South Korean Silver Fabrication Demand Chart:  Taiwan Silver Fabrication Demand Table:  Taiwan Silver Fabrication Demand Chart:  Hong Kong Silver Fabrication Demand ……Ⅳ. Investment Demand. Ⅴ. Inventories. Ⅵ. Markets. Ⅶ. Prices.



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