Frommer’s Arizona 2009Frommer亞利桑那州導(dǎo)覽2009

出版時間:2008-10  作者:Karl Samson  頁數(shù):472  


Completely updated every year (unlike most of the competition), Frommer’s Arizona features gorgeous full-color photos of the state's national parks, growing nightlife, and colorful towns that await you. Our author has lived in and written about Arizona for years, so he's able to provide valuable insights and advice. He’ll steer you away from the touristy and the inauthentic, and show you the real heart of Arizona. Let him take you to exciting cities, charming Old West towns, and natural wonders, from the Grand Canyon to Sedona.   Also included are accurate regional and town maps, up-to-date advice on finding the best package deals, a free color fold-out map, and an online directory that makes trip-planning a snap!


List of MapsWhat’s New in ArizonaThe Best of Arizona  1 The Best Places to Commune with Cactus  2 The Best Active Vacations  3 The Best Day Hikes & Nature Walks  4 The Best Scenic Drives  5 The Best Golf Courses  6 The Best Bird-Watching Spots   7 The Best Offbeat Travel Experiences  8 The Best Family Experiences  9 The Best Family Vacations   10 The Best Museums 11 The Best Places to Discover the Old West 12 The Best Places to See Indian Ruins 13 The Best Places to See Petroglyphs & Pictographs 14 The Best Luxury Hotels & Resorts  15 The Best Family Resorts 16 The Best Hotels for Old Arizona Character 17 The Best Bed & Breakfasts 18 The Best Swimming Pools 19 The Best Places to Savor Southwest Flavors……




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