出版時間:2008-9 作者:Mark Hiss 頁數(shù):311
America’s #1 bestselling travel series Written by more than 175 outspoken travelers around the globe, Frommer’s Complete Guides help travelers experience places the way locals do. More annually updated guides than any other series 16-page color section and foldout map in all annual guides Outspoken opinions, exact prices, and suggested itineraries Dozens of detailed maps in an easy-to-read, two-color design *Full colour, tear proof, water resistant pull out map * Complete coverage of San Diego's top sites, plus side trips to Temecula's wineries, Disneyland and Tijuana * User friendly features including star ratings and special icons to point readers to great finds and insider tips
List of MapsWhat'S New in San DiegoThe Best of San Diego 1 The Most Unforgettable Travel Experiences 2 The Best Splurge Hotels 3 The Best Moderately Priced Hotels 4 The Most Unforgettable Dining Experiences 5 The BestThingsto Dofor Free2 San Diego in Depth 1 San DiegoToday 2 The Arrival 0f Spanish Mission"Style" 3 The Missions Give Way to Gold 4 Location,Location,Location 5 The Navy Builds a Home 6 AnIdentity Beyondthe Navy&Beaches 7 Recommended Books3 Planning Your Trip to san Diego 1 VisitorInformation 2 Entry Requi rements 3 Whento Go San Diego CalendarofEvents 4 Getting There&Getting Around 5 Money&Costs What Things Costin SanDiego 6 Health 7 Safety 8 Specialized TraveI Resou rces 9 Sustainable Tourism It's EasyBeingGreen 10 Packages for the Independent Traveler 11 Escorted General—Interest Tours 12 Staying Connected4 Suggested San Diego Itim 1 The Best of San Diego in 1 DaV 2 The Best of San Diegoin 2 Days 3 The Best of San Diegoin 3 Days 5 Getting to Know San Diego6 Where to Stay7 Where to Dine8 What to See & Do9 City Strolls10 Shopping11 San Diego After Dark.12 Side Trips from San DiegoAppendix: Fast Facts, Toll-Free Numbers & WebsitesIndex
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