出版時間:2008-10 作者:Brokaw, Leslie/ Karr, Paul/ Livesey, Herbert Bailey (COL)/ Morris, Marie/ Reckford, Laura M. 頁數(shù):694
America's #1 bestselling travel series Written by more than 175 outspoken travelers around the globe, Frommer's Complete Guides help travelers experience places the way locals do. More annually updated guides than any other series 16-page color section and foldout map in all annual guides Outspoken opinions, exact prices, and suggested itineraries Dozens of detailed maps in an easy-to-read, two-color design Frommer's New England is packed with candid opinions on the best country inns and restaurants, lobster pounds, antique shops, foliage tours, beaches, hiking, biking, and other outdoor adventures. We've covered all the perennial favorites, from the Freedom Trail to the Berkshires and beyond, but we'll also take you off the beaten track to discover New England's best small towns and most pristine wild places. Whether you want a romantic getaway in a Vermont country inn or family fun on the Cape's best beaches, Frommer's will help you design the trip that's right for you. You'll even find a color fold-out map! "Using the expertise of knowledgeable travel writers and editors, Frommer's New England is stuffed like a turkey, with slivers of information spilling out as soon as you open the cover.Even experienced travelers will find new information in the guide.Follow the advice in the 'best' list and you won't go too far wrong." —Advocate, Baton Rouge, Louisiana --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. 作者簡介: Paul Karr (chapters 2, 11–13 and appendix) is also the author of Frommer’s Nova Scotia,New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island; Frommer’s Maine Coast; Frommer’s Vermont, New Hampshire & Maine and a contributor to Frommer’s Canada.
List of MapsWhat's New in New England1 The Best of New England 1 The Best of Small-Town New Enqland 2 The Best Places to See FalI Foliage 3 The BestWavs toView CoastaI Scenew 4 The Best Places to Rediscover America’s Past 5 The Best Activities for Families 6 The Besl Count~Inns 7 The Best Moderately Priced AccOmmodalions 8 The Besl Restaurants 9 The Best Local Dining Experiences 10 The Best of the Performing Arts 11 The Besl Destinations for Antiques Hounds 2 New England in Depth 1 New England Today 2 Looking Back at New England 3 New England’s Architectu re&Art 4 New England in Popula r Culture:Books,F(xiàn)ilm,TV,Music 5 Eating and Drinking in New England 3 Planning Your Trip to New 1 VisitorInformation 2 Entry Requi rements Skipping the Airport Security Lines as a Registered Traveler 3 Whento Go NewEnglandCalendar of Events 4 Getting There&Getting Around DiscountFlightstoNewEngland Flying into NewEngland The Skinny 5 Money&Costs 6 Health 7 Safetv 8 Specialized TraveI Resou rces Frommers com:The Complete Travel Resource 9 SustainableTourism It's EasyBeing6men 10 Packages for the IndependentTraveler 11 Special-InterestTrips 12 TheActiveTraveler Your Car:Do Leave Home Withoutff 13 Tips onAccommodations Inn vs,B&B:EverybodyWins。4 Suggested New England Itineraries 5 Boston & Cambridge 6 Side Trips from Boston: Lexington & Concord, the North Shore & Plymouth 7 Cap Cod8 Martha’s Vineyard & Nantucket 9 Central & Western Massachusetts 10 Connecticut 11 Rhode Island 12 Vermont 13 New Hampshire 14 Maine Appendix: Fast Facts, Toll-Free Numbers & Websites Index
Frommer’s New England, 14Th EditionFrommer 新英格蘭導覽,第14版 PDF格式下載