Frommer’s EgyptFrommer埃及導覽,第1版

出版時間:2008-09-09  出版社:Frommers  作者:Matthew Carrington  頁數(shù):336  


Written by more than 175 outspoken travelers around the globe, Frommer’s Complete Guides help travelers experience places the way locals do.     More annually updated guides than any other series     16-page color section and foldout map in all annual guides     Outspoken opinions, exact prices, and suggested itineraries     Dozens of detailed maps in an easy-to-read, two-color design     In 2006, the number of visitors reached an all-time high of 9.1 million, a 5.5 0ncrease from 2005, and the Egyptian Tourism Authority aims to increase visitors to 16 million by 2014    More than 228,000 Americans visited Egypt in 2006, a 16 0ncrease over prior year    The U.S. ranks fourth in visitors to Egypt, while the U.K. is #1 with more than 1 million visitors in 2006    Travel + Leisure featured Alexandria in their January 2007 "Where to Go Next" section    Guide features an English-Arabic language glossary, plus an "Active Vacation Planner" that details the best places to go for sailing, diving, climbing, biking, and more


List of Maps1  The Best of Egypt  1 The Best Purely Egyptian Experiences  2 The Best of Ancient Egypt  3 The Best Islamic Sites  4 The Best Shopping Experiences  5 The Best High-End Hotels  6 The Best Midranqe Hotels  7 The Best Budget Hotels  8 The Best Restaurants  9 The Best Christian Cultural Sites  10 The Best Resorts  11 The Best Diving Spots  12 The Best Museums2 Planning Your Trip to Egypt  1 Regions in Brief  2 Visitor Information & Maps  3 Entry Requirements  4 When to Go  5 Getting There  6 General Travel Resources    The Egyptian Pound, the U.S. Dollar, the Euro & the British Pound    What Things Cost in Egypt  7 Specialized Travel Resources  8 Sustainable TourismlEcotourism" The Complete Travel Resource  9 Staying Connected  10 Packages for the Independent Traveler  11 Escorted General-Interest Tours.  12 Getting Around Egypt  13 Tips on Accommodations  14 Tips on Dining     Fast Facts: Eqypt3 Suggested Egypt Itineraries  1 Cairo in 3 Days  2 Cairo & Alexandria in 5 Days  3 Luxor: 3 Days of Ancient Egypt  4 Luxor & Aswan: 5 Days of Ancient Egypt  5 Western Desertl4-Day Desert Safari  6 Sinai Peninsula4 Active Vacation Planner  1 Activities A to Z5 Cairo6 Alexandria & the North Coast7 The Sinai Peninsula8 The Red Sea Coast9 Upper Egypt10 The Western DesertAppendix A:Egypt in DepthAppendix B:Useful Terms & PhrasesIndex



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