出版時間:2008-8 作者:Bill Goodwin 頁數(shù):468
Plan your perfect trip to the South Pacific using Frommer's South Pacific, 11th Edition. Find a 16-page color section and foldout map, outspoken opinions, exact prices and suggested itineraries, all updated with the latest information. No other guide offers such detailed, candid reviews of hotels and restaurants. Suggested itineraries provide sample itineraries and recommendations on the best way to see a region, state or country and find user-friendly features like star ratings and special icons to point readers to great finds, excellent values, insider tips, best bets for kids, special moments, and overrated experiences.
List of MapsWhat's New in the South Pa1 The Best of the South Pacifi 1 TheMost Beautifullslands 2 The Best Beaches 3 The Best Honeymoon Resorts Gettinq Hitched in the Islands 4 The Best FamilyVacations 5 The Best CulturaI Experiences 6 The Best ofthe Old South Seas 7 The Best Dining Experiences 8 The BestIsland Nights 9 The Best Buys 10 The Best Diving&Snorkeling 11 The Best Sailing 12 The Best Offbeat TraveI Experiences2 Planning Your Trip to the south pacific 1 TheIslandsin Brief 2 Visitor Information&Maps 3 Entry Requi rements 4 Whenlo Go 5 Getting There&Getting Around Getting Through the PAirport 6 GeneraJ TraveI Resources Be Cafefu||ntheWater 7 Specialized IraveI Resources 8 Sustainable Tourism/Ecotourism Frommerscorn:The Complete Travel Resource 9 Staying Connected onLine Travelers Toolbox 10 Packages for the Independent Traveler Ask Before You Go 11 Escorted GeneralInterest Tours 12 Special-InterestTrips 13 TheActiveTraveler 14 Tips onAccommodations Island Time vs IslandService 15 Tips on Dining FastFacts: The South Pacific3 Suggested South Pacific 1 2Weeks in Fiji 2 2Weeks in Tahili& French Polynesia 3 AWeekInthe Cooklslands 4 AWeekinthe Samoas 5 AWeekin Tonga4 Introducing Fiji. 5 Viti Levu. 6 Northern Fiji: Savusavu & Taveuni. 7 Introducing French Polynesia. 8 Tahiti. 9 Moorea.10 Bora Bora. 11 Huahine, Raiatea, Tahaa & the Tuamotu Archipelago. 12 The Cook Islands: Rarotonga & Aitutaki. 13 Samoa. 14 American Samoa. 15 The Kingdom of Tonga. Appendix: The South Pacific in Depth.Index.
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