
出版時間:2007-10  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Bill Richardson  頁數(shù):246  


Global climate change?    We can stop it.   Addiction to oil?We can replace it.   Technological innovation?   We can create it.   But we can't wait twenty, thirty, or fifty years.   Bill Richardson launched his campaign for the presidency to remind the American people—and their representatives in   Washington—that we know how to get things done. We need to end our dependence on oil, and we need to do it yesterday.   This isn't something that's going to happen only in Washington, or Detroit, or even Hollywood or Tokyo. It's going to take all of us, a united United States. We have the opportunity, perhaps for only a few years, to make dramatic but beneficial changes in the way we run America.   As Leading by Example makes clear, if we succeed, with strong presidential leadership and the support of the American people, we will restore America's role in the world—a source of moral leadership, a source of astonishing technology, and a source of optimism to be admired.


Introduction. 1. No Challenge Is Greater or More Important. 2. 1997–2007: Then and Now. 3. Oil, Coal, and the Planet’s Future. 4. A Confused World, an Opportunity to Lead. 5. Learning from Others. 6. The Costs of Action, the Price of Inaction. 7. Government Must Play a Role. 8. Using the Bully Pulpit: The Power of the Energy President. 9. Facing Reality. 10. 2020 Vision: An Energy Revolution, in Five Simple Steps. Acknowledgments. Further Reading. Index.



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