出版時間:2007-12 作者:Dariush Derakhshani 頁數(shù):585
The new edition of this perennial bestseller is the ideal initiation to 3D and Maya. Starting with the basics, it builds from the ground up, combining straightforward text with practical examples that make it fun and easy to learn Maya's core tools while introducing the latest Maya 2008 features. Follow clear-cut, step-by-step lessons while you learn by doing using a wealth of hands-on files provided on the CD. You'll also find compelling examples in the full-color insert. 作者簡介: Dariush Derakhshani is an award-winning 3D animator, author, and educator. He has worked on movies such as The Fantastic Four and Pan's Labyrinth, the South Park TV series, and numerous commercials and music videos. He teaches Maya and 3D animation and is the author of Introducing 3ds Max 9 and all the Introducing Maya books as well as coauthor of Mastering Maya 8.5 from Sybex.
IntroductionChapter 1 Introduction to Computer Graphics and 3D Embrace the Art Computer Graphics The Stages of Production The CG Production Workflow Core Concepts Basic Film Concepts SummaryChapter 2 The Maya 2008 Interface Navigating in Maya A Screen Roadmap Panels and Frequently Used Windows Maya Object Structure SummaryChapter 3 Your First Maya Animation Project Overview:The Solar System The Preproduction Process:Planning Creating a Project The Production Process:Creating and Animating the Objects Using the Outliner SummaryChapter 4 Modeling with Polygons Planning Your Model Polygon Basics polr Editing Tools Putting the Tools to Use:Making a Simple Hand Creating Areas of Detail on a Poly Mesh Modeling Complex Objects:The Classic Steam Locomotive Suggestions for Modeling Polygons SummaryChapter 5 Modeling with NURBS Ways to Make NURBS NURBS Modelin9:Creating the Red Rocket Editing NURBS Surfaces Using NURBS Surfacing to Create Polygons Converting NURBS to Polygons Patch Modelin9:A Locomotive Detail Using Artisan to Sculpt NURBS SummaryChapter 6 Further Modeling Topics: Deformers and Subdivision Surfaces Modeling with Simple Deformers The Lattice Deformer Animating Through a Lattice Subdivision Surfaces Creating a Starfish Building a Teakettle SummaryChapter 7 Maya Shading and Texturing Maya Shading Shader Types Shader Attributes Texturiflg the Axe Textures and Surfaces Texturing the Red Rocket Introduction ……Chapter 8: Introduction to Animation Chapter 9: Further Animation Practices Chapter 10: Maya Lighting Chapter 11: Maya Rendering Chapter 12: Maya Dynamics Appendix: About the Companion CD Glossary Index
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