
出版時(shí)間:2007-9  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:American Medical Association  頁(yè)數(shù):278  


This book provides clear, easy-to-understand explanations of what type 2 diabetes is, what causes it, and how to determine if you are at risk. You'll find a detailed, easy-to-follow program for preventing diabetes by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. If you are living with diabetes, this invaluable guide offers in-depth explanations of the recommended lifestyle changes that can help you manage the disease, stressing the importance of rigorous testing and control of your blood sugar to avoid complications. You will learn about the available medications for treating diabetes and about alternative and complementary therapies. The book also includes sections on gestational diabetes and the increasing threat that type 2 diabetes poses to at-risk children. By following the recommendations and guidelines in the American Medical Association Guide to Living with Diabetes, you can reduce or eliminate the symptoms, avoid or minimize the risk of serious complications, and become more physically fit, energetic, and alert. In fact, there's no reason you can't be healthier than you've ever been.


For more than 150 years, the American Medical Association has been the leading group of medical experts in the United States and one of the most respected health-related organizations in the world. The AMA continues to work to advance the art and science of medicine and to be an advocate for patients and the voice of physicians in the United States.


Introduction Part One: Type 2 Diabetes: A Modern Epidemic   1 What Is Diabetes?   2 Are You at Risk? Part Two: Preventing Type 2 Diabetes   3 Maintaining a Healthy Weight   4 Nutrition Basics for Staying Healthy   5 Exercise Your Way to Better Health Part Three: Diagnosing and Treating Type 2 Diabetes   6 How Do You Know If You Have Diabetes?   7 Reaching a Healthy Weight   8 Eating a Healthy Diet   9 Your Exercise Regimen   10 Medication and Blood Sugar Testing   11 Experimental Treatments and Special Situations Part Four: Complications of Diabetes   12 Acute Complications   13 Chronic Complications Part Five: Diabetes in Children   14 Type 2 Diabetes in Children Part Six: Diabetes during Pregnancy   15 Gestational Diabetes Glossary Index





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