
出版時間:2007-10  作者:Daniel C. Melchior Jr.  頁數(shù):245  


  Praise for Shared Services A Manager's Journey  "In Shared Services: A Manager's Journey, Dan presents the real business cultural challenges along with human factors when taking on such a change in a company's processes. A must-read for any executive, manager, or team member who is considering, decided to, or is already in the process of converting a company from a decentralized organization to a shared services environment."  -Katherine M. Ericsson Vice President of Membership, Project Management       Institute of South Florida and director of a project management office, in a shared services environment within the distribution industry  "A how-to/survival guide for those thinking about entering shared services or beginning the journey...for the rest of us, an entertaining look back at our journey both professionally and personally. A great read!"  -Steve K. Stone Senior Vice President and CFO, Newspapers and Shared Services Morris Communications Company  "Over the past fifteen years, I've had the pleasure of working directly with hundreds of companies who are implementing shared services. What is striking is how very different 'real experiences' are from the stories spun by consultants or keynote speakers at conferences. Getting to the 'real truth' of how to put the pieces together will help you keep consulting fees low and the probability of success high. This book is a practical guide created by someone who has been there. It is the truth!"  -Mike Hostetler Managing Director, Shared Services Roundtable Corporate Executive Board


Daniel Melchior Jr. is Vice President, Business Solutions Group with Southern Wine and Spirits, a wine and spirits distributor in twenty-eight states. He is responsible for the overall management, performance, and budget of the Financial Business Solution


Foreword Preface Acknowledgements Chapter 1 Brown Fields, Green Fields, and Hazel Fields Chapter 2 Finally Chapter 3 You are Only as Good as Those You are Surrounded By Chapter 4 Decision Time Chapter 5 The Journey Begins Chapter 6 The Journey Continues Chapter 7 Mission Accomplished Chapter 8 Location, Location, Location Chapter 9 A Tough Conversation Chapter 10 El Paso Goes Live Chapter 11 Teamwork Chapter 12 End to End Process Chapter 13 Process Steering Teams Chapter 14 Preparation Chapter 15 Dinner and a Meeting Chapter 16 Measure, Measure, Measure Chapter 17 Bonus Time Chapter 18 Pay Up Chapter 19 Allocation Time Chapter 20 Allocation Details Chapter 21 Perception Is Reality Chapter 22 Devil Is in the Details Chapter 23 The Next Steps Chapter 24 Smooth Running Chapter 25 The Meeting Continues Chapter 26 Best Laid Plans Chapter 27 Time for a Change Chapter 28 Opportunity Chapter 29 Growth Chapter 30 Hello and Goodbye Chapter 31 The Conference Chapter 32 Thanksgiving Index




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