作者:Hoyle, Leonard H.; Wendroff, Alan L.
"This comprehensive and detail-rich book is a great addition to a fundraising library. Novices will find their anxiety banished and seasoned professionals will find they stillcan learn some things. If you want maximum mileage out of your events, use this book!"
-Kimk Klein,Publisher Grassroots Fundraising Journal
"Applause for Alan Wendroff's book, Special Events: Proven Strategies for Nonprofit Fundraising, called for a SecondEdition--an encore. Alan Wendroff uses his return to the stage as an opportunity to expand upon and enrich his previously presented spe-cial event strategies. In this updated edition, Wendroff guides the reader onto the Internet with its cost-effective, timely, and considerable means for planning and con-ducting special events. The Web-based strategies discussed in the Second Edition include volunteer enlistment, marketing to an expanded audience, and moment-by-moment stewardship. The newly presented strategies can further your event's successand attract greater returns for addressing organizational mission objectives."
-Skip Henderson,Msw Providing Fund Raising Counsel
"Alan Wendroff takes special events seriously. This updated edition of his work is essen-tial for organizations seeking to involve today's potential donors and volunteers."
-Eugene R.Tempel,Executive Dirdctor The Center on Philanthropy at indiana University,Headquartered at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
"Once again, Alan Wendroff provides 'doable' step-by-step planning and strategizing for special events fundraising. His proven method is so sufficiently down-to-earth that both volunteers and staff can benefit tremendously from this simple implementation guide. In fact, it would make an excellent 'thank you' gift for volunteers. They'll feel empowered and more equipped to assist with the charitable cause for which they are willing to give time and money."
-Nancy May,Resource Development Consultant Good Samaritan Foundation
"Alan Wendroff significantly upgrades every development officer's library with Special Events: Proven Strategies for Nonprofit Fundraising, Second Edition. In one volume, Alan provides specifics that are culled from his years of experience and delivers his counsel with the touch of a mentor and a sense of humor. This work provides additional and valu-able resources for the experienced professional and sage advice for the novice."
-Paull.Kuznekoff,Director of Development The Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life at Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey
lNTRODUCTlON SpeciatEvent Fundraising--ABeginning
A Few Definitions fo r Fund raising Special Events
Seven Goals fo r a SuccessfuI SpecialEvent
Dinne r a Ia Heart:A Creative Special Event
Who WilI Benefit from This Book?
How to Use ThiS Book:An Ove rview
METT Checklist
CHAPTER l The Master EventTimetable(MEm
The Maste r Event Timetable(METT)
To Do This Week:The METT in Action
Master Event Timetable Applied to Dinne r
a Ia Hea rt
METT Checklist
C HAPTER 2 Choosing the Event
Do Not Pass Go--Should the O rganization
Have an Event?
Key Elements for Executing a Special Event
Choosing a Special Event
Five Models for a SpeciaI Event
Eme rgency Drill
METT Checklist
CHAPTER 3 Monetary Goats and Budgets
Key Elements to Conside r When Putting Togethe r the
Special Event
Budget Strategy
Event Pricing
Calculating Revenue Sources
Estimating Attendance:Calculating Minimum
What Iterns Make Up Gross Revenue?
Packaging of Premium Tables and Advertisements
Underwriters and Sponsors
In—Kind Donations
Revenue ConsideratiOns for Events in Smalle r
Mastering Revenue and Expense Items
Putting It All Together
Computer Sp readsheets and Databases:
Keeping the Event and the Budget on Track
METT Checklist
CHAPTER 4 Recruiting Volunteer Leadership for Your Event
Fi rst Enlist the Stakehoklers
Agency Gove rning Board
Agency Development Committee
Reverse Netwo rking
The Event Chai r and Agency Professional
C0.Chai r ResDons.b…ties
Who's on First?
The Cornmunity.Wide Event Cornmittee
Hono ra ry Chai rpe rsons
Volunteers and COmmunication
A Case Statement fo r SpeciaI Events
METT Checklist
CHAPTER 5 Networking in the Community
CHAPTER 6 On the Internet:Plan an Enent Online Real Quick!
CHAPTER 7 Marketing
CHAPTER 8 Special Event Administration
CHAPTER 9 The Final Weeks to Event Day
CHAPTER 10 The Big Day:Why Success is in the Details
CHAPTER 11 hank You and Goodbye!