
出版時間:2007-11  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Marcia L. Worthing  頁數(shù):204  


Whether you’re bored, burned out, retired, or fired, Escape the Mid-Career Doldrums offers solutions, ideas, and practical tools for shaking up your professional life for the better. Based on real case studies, this smart and practical career guide will help you discover the causes of your professional problems and give you the inspiration and confidence to take action and seize new opportunities. This is the perfect prescription for a new and exciting professional life.


AcknowledgmentsIntroduction 1 The Changing World of the Mid—Career Professiona 2 Your Ca reer Is in a Turnaround:A Great Envi ronment for Fresh Sta rts and New Directions 3 What You Do Next Doesn’tDepend on What You Did Before:Moving Past the Career Myths 4 Assess the Underlying Cause of Your Boredom Burnout,Retirementor Firing 5 Use the Cause to Find the Cure 6 Open Yourself to the New World of Work and Emerging Opportunities 7 Enter Your Discomfort Zone:Transitioning to a New Way of Working 8 Monitor Your Progress:Signs that You’re Going in a Greaf New Direction 9 Whaf Next:A New 30-Year PlanAppendix 1:Financial Issues to Consider When Changing Jobs or CareersAppendix 2:13 Step Networking ProcessAppendix 3:Business Plan OutlineAppendix 4:Employment Opportunities on the IntemetIndex




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