小本經營 Wiley Pathways Small Business Management

出版時間:2007-3  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Hodgetts, Richard M./ Kuratko, Donald F.  頁數(shù):550  


In order to become a successful entrepreneur, one has to have a clear understanding of how to effectively manage a small business. This valuable introduction shows budding entrepreneurs how to launch and run their own firm. In addition to explaining the value and appeal of small businesses, it offers a variety of essential start-up lessons, including how to write a business plan, obtain financing, and choose a legal form for any venture.


1. An Introduction to the Small Business Life 2. Small Business Opportunities3. The Family-Owned Business4. Developing a Business Plan 5. Sources of Financing 6. Forms of Small Business Ownership 7. The Basics of Small Business Management8. Legal Concerns of Small Businesses9. Managing Human Resources in a Small Business Environment10. Understanding Markets and Pricing 11. Promotion and Selling12. E-Commerce and the Small Business Owner 13. Using Financial Statements14. Budgeting and Taxes15. Purchasing and Inventory Control



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