Hacking World of Warcraft 黑客魔獸爭霸世界

出版時間:2007-6  出版社:Wiley  作者:Daniel Gilbert,James Whitehead II  頁數:370  


World of Warcraft is your world. You are fearless. You are in command. And when you can command these awesome addons, macros, and customizations, you'll savor the heady brew of victory. From the masters who gave us Atlas and PerfectRaid/Clique, you'll learn how to gain an advantage in combat, write spell-casting macros, work with frames and XML, develop Lua scripts that work with the WoW API, and more. Yeah, they're legal. But don't let that hold you back.     Addons, Macros and more.     Learn the secrets that unlock hidden treasures!     1. Evaluate your performance in battle with combat statistics.     2. Add instance maps and make notes on the World Map.     3. Rearrange everything onscreen and monitor your vitals with an HUD.     4. Make gold "playing " the Auction House.     5. Have whispers open in their own window like an IM client.     6. Overhaul your interface with pre-packaged compilations.     7. Create two fully functional addons from start to finish.


Acknowledgments IntroductionPart I: Simple Hacks: Addons, Macros, and More  Chapter 1: Introduction to WoW Modding    Examining the Legality of WoW Hacks    Exploring the WOW User INterface    Creating a Simple Macro    Finding Downloadable Addons    Installing and Managing Addons    Using Lnterface Skins    That s Only the Beginning  Chapter 2: Combat Addons    Displaying Combat Events with Scrolling Combat Text    Calculating the HP of Enemies and Players with MobHealth3    Viewing Detailed Enemy Information in the Tooltip with MobInfo-2    Seeing All Your Cooldowns Numerically with OmniCC    Keeping Track of Your Biggest Hits with CritLins    Seeing the Casting Bars of Your Enemies with Natur EnemycastBar    Moinitoring the Durations of Spells You Cast on Your Enemies with CCWatch    Creating Easy Weapon-Swapping Mactors with WeaponQuickSwap    Evaluating Your Performance in Battle with Combatstats    Analyzing Your Combat History with SW Stats    Moiving on   Chapter 3: Map Addons    Looking at the Coordinates System    Navigating Instances with Atlas    Finding Out What Bosses Drop with AtlasLoot    Exploring a Stellite View of the World with Yatlas    ……  Chapter 4: Miscellaneous Addons  Chapter 5: Loot Addons   Chapter 6: Chat Addons  Chapter 7: Raid Addons  Chapter 8: Class-Specific Addons  Chapter 9: Addon CompilationsPart II: Advanced Hacks: Creating Your Own Addons   Chapter 10: Addon Anatomy  Chapter 11: XML, Frames, and Event Handlers   Chapter 12: The Lua Side  Chapter 13: Expanding the Whereabouts Addon   Chapter 14: The Whereabouts Options Panel  Chapter 15: Hacking an Advanced Addon  Chapter 16: Creating Advanced MacrosIndex




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