
出版時間:2007-2  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Hindy, Steve/ Potter, Tom  


This winning tale of the rise of the Brooklyn Brewery follows the basic pattern of every entrepreneur's memoir: a restless visionary sets out to accomplish a dream, barely survives a series of setbacks, emerges victorious—and ready to tell readers how they can do the same. But this account serves up more than the usual suds and foam—its counsel is sound and its prose lively, and it should appeal to both wannabe industrialists and beer drinkers, not that those categories are mutually exclusive. In fact, the authors, foreign correspondent Hindy and banker Potter, decided to found their New York brewery, now 17 years in business and among the top 40 in the U.S. in sales, after consuming many bottles of Hindy's homebrew. The longtime partners tell their story in engaging, candid voices, delivering cautionary anecdotes, reflections on longstanding disagreements and lingering resentments, and brutally frank self-assessments. It helps the story immeasurably that beer is a more colorful subject than, say, spreadsheet software, a fact that gets the reader past the inevitable chapter on financing. Though Hindy and Potter may not help the aspiring entrepreneur strike gold, they offer a compelling model and a heartening story. 作者簡介:    STEVE HINDY is President and cofounder of The Brooklyn Brewery. A former Middle East correspondent for The Associated Press, he is currently a director of Brooklyn's Prospect Park Alliance and the Brewers Association. Hindy has a master's degree in teaching English from Cornell.


STEVE HINDY is President and cofounder of The Brooklyn Brewery. A former Middle East correspondent for The Associated Press, he is currently a director of Brooklyn′s Prospect Park Alliance and the Brewers Association. Hindy has a master′s degree in teaching English from Cornell.   TOM POTTER cofounded the Brooklyn Brewery in 1987. He served as its CEO and chairman until his retirement in 2004. Previously, he was an assistant vice president at Chemical Bank, where he financed the acquisition of assets valued in excess of $1.5 billion. Potter graduated from Yale and has an MBA from Columbia.


Foreword. Preface Steve and Tom Introduce the Brooklyn Brewery. Acknowledgments. Chapter 1. Steve Tells How Choosing a Partner Is Like a Second Marriage.  Lesson One: Even a Dog Can Shake Hands. Chapter 2. Steve Discusses the Importance of Building a Solid Team.  Lesson Two: Is It a Business or a Family Business? Chapter 3. Tom Talks about Creating the Business Plan: A Money-Raising Tool and More.  Lesson Three: The Business Plan Won’t Be Graded on a Curve. Chapter 4. Tom Asks, “What’s the True Mission of the Business?”  Lesson Four: Being Flexible If the Mission Statement Becomes “Mission Impossible”. Chapter 5. Steve Discusses the Keys to Successfully Motivating Employees.  Lesson Five: Feeling Good Is No Substitute for Prudent Controls. Chapter 6. Tom Tells the Story of Their Dot-Com Revolution: Fishing for Finance and Failing.  Lesson Six: Chasing Money Is Not a Business Strategy. Chapter 7. Steve Talks about Building a Brewery in Brooklyn.  Lesson Seven: Sometimes You Stand Alone. Chapter 8. Steve Discusses Publicity: The Press Wants You!  Lesson Eight: A News Release Can Go a Long Way. Chapter 9. Steve Reveals How the Revolution Kills Its Leaders First.  Lesson Nine: Hiring and Firing. Chapter 10. Tom Talks about Cashing Out and Reinventing the Business, Again.  Lesson Ten: Only You Will Know When It’s Time to Sell. Chapter 11. Tom Wants to Know If You Have What It Takes.  Lesson Eleven: There Are No Entrance Exams for Entrepreneurs. Timeline. Index.


"This gripping and lighthearted read charts their successes and failures and leaves you thirty for more." (Sainsbury's Magazine, September 2009)



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