風(fēng)險資本與私人股權(quán)投資基金的組合管理J-Curve Exposure

出版時間:2007-12  作者:Mathonet, Pierre-yves/ Meyer, Thomas  頁數(shù):449  


Building on the success of the author’s previous book Beyond the J Curve:Managing a Portfolio of Venture Capital and Private Equity Funds, this work covers new and additional material and offers advanced guidance on the practical questions faced by institutions when setting up and managing a successful private equity investment programme. Written from the practitioner’s viewpoint, the book offers private equity and venture capital professionals an advanced guide that will make high return targets more realistic and sustainable.   Factors that can sometimes cause institutions to shy away from venture capital are the industry’s opaque track record, unclear valuations and risks, perceived lack of transparency as well as the significant entry barriers to overcome before tangible results show. These issues are all addressed in details with practical solutions to the problems. Among other topics J-Curve Exposure includes discussions of:   Experiences with the adoption of the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines to address fair value under IFRS.   Approaches for splitting and prioritizing distributions from private equity funds.   Techniques for track record analysis and other tools to help limited partners in their due diligence.   Approaches to dealing with uncertainty, the relevance of real options, and co-investments and side funds as advanced portfolio management techniques.   Questions related to limited partner decision making fallacies and how to manage portfolios of VC funds.   Securitization backed by portfolios of investments in private equity funds.


List of Boxes Foreword Acknowledgments Abbreviations Disclaimer PART I PRIVATE EQUITY LANDSCAPE  1 Introduction  2 Institutional Investing in Private Equity  3 Private Equity Environment  4 Risk Management Lessons from a Listed Private Equity Fund-of-Funds  Appendix 4A Adjusted current ratio methodology PART II THE ECONOMICS OF PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS  5 Venture Capital Fund Fair Value  6 Model-Based Approach to VC Fund Valuation  7 Private Equity Fund Valuation Approaches  8 Distribution Waterfall  9 Break-even Analysis  10 Track Record Analysis  Appendix 10A Performance spread between best and worst manager PART III MANAGING UNDER UNCERTAINTY  11 Grading and Fitness Landscapes  12 Private Equity Funds and Real Options  13 Co-investing  14 Side Funds  15 Limited Partner Decision-Making Fallacies PART IV MANAGING PORTFOLIOS OF PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS  16 Portfolio Construction Principles  17 Portfolio Construction Rules of Thumb  18 Guidelines, Monitoring and Corrective Actions  19 Securitization   20 J Curve Exposure References Index




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