Claim Your Inner Grown-up(自我成熟)

出版時間:2001-6  出版社:第1版 (2001年6月1日)  作者:Ashley Davis Prend  頁數:278  


A much-needed antidote to the indulgent trends of recent years, Claim Your Inner Grown-up will help us become authentic adults without losing the innocence, freedom, and wonder thea are also an integral part of our psychological makeup and help make us who we are.    Many books have been written about our inner child. In Claim Your Inner Grown-up, psychotherapist Ashley Davis Prend stands this cultural phenomenon on its head by offering a revolutionary four- pillar program that dares us to become adults.    Claim Your Inner Grown-up shows us hou we can develop and improve our lives by becoming more mature,loving, responsible, and spiritual. By incorporating the four-step DARE thought system into our lives (Detach, Aware, Reorient, Enact), we can become hapier and more productive in the long term. prend's unique, liberating approach helps us to develop a solid sense of self without giving up the positive pualities that also distinguish us as individuas. In this wise, compassionate handbood, you'll read about:


AcknowledgmentsIntroductionPartⅠ:Your Inner Child   One. The Beauty of Your Child   Two. When Your Inner Child Becomes a Problem ChildPartⅡ:Your Inner Grown-up  Three. The Road to Autheneic Adulthood  Four. The Four-Pillar Program  Five. PillarⅠ—To Dream the Responsible Dream  Six. Pillar—From Here to Maturity  Seven. PillarⅢ—All You Need Is Love  Eight. Pillar Ⅳ—Stairways to HeavenPart Ⅲ:The Best of Both  Nine. Integrating Your Inner Child and Your Inner Grown-upAfterwordSources and Resources Index




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