出版時(shí)間:2004-1 出版社:New Amer Library Classics 作者:Willa Cather
作者簡(jiǎn)介:Born in Virginia, Willa Cather ( 1873-- 1948) moved with her family to Nebraska before she was ten. She graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1895,then taught high school and worked for the Pitts-burgh Leader before being appointed associate edi-tor of McClure's magazine. Cather published her first novel, Alexander's Bridge, in 1912. With O Pioneers! (1913), she turned to her greatest subject, immigrant life on the Nebraska prairies, and estab-lished herself as a major American novelist. OPioneers! was followed by more novels, including My Antonia (1918), The Professor's House (1922), and Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927).
IntroductionPARTI The wild LondPARTII Neighboring FieldsPARTIII Winter MernoriesPARTIV The White Mulberrg TreePARTV Alexandra
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