出版時間:2005-5 出版社:Grand Central Pub 作者:Tom Hopkins 頁數(shù):387
Tom Hopkins carries the standard as a master sales trainer and is recognized as the world’s leading authority on selling techniques and salesmanship. Over 3,000,000 people on five continents have attended Tom’s high-energy live seminars. Tom personally conducts 75 seminars each year traveling throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and the Philippines. Tom Hopkins is a distinguished charter member of the National Speakers Association and was among the first to receive its prestigious Council of Peers Award for Excellence. Tom’s talent of teaching in a creative and entertaining style has brought him a tremendous following, as well as constant demand for appearances at regional and national conventions each year. Tom Hopkins has been the subject of countless articles in publications such as U.S. News and World Report, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Personal Selling Power, People magazine, Selling magazine, Entrepreneur magazine, and The Washington Post.
Introduction,by J.Douglas Edwards1.What the Profession of Selling Really is2.The Twelve Sources of Sensational Selling Success3.Question Right and Sink Your Teeth into Sales Success4. Creating the Selling Climate5. Why Don't I Do What I Know I Should Do?6. Learn to Love No7. Finding the People to Sell8. Nonreferral Prospecting Methods9. Referral Prospecting, or The Art of Getting Quality Introductions10. Howto Find Fortune and Felicity with the Phone11. A Spectator Sport, Buying Is Not12. Put Champion Selling Power in Your Presentations and Demonstrations13. Finessing the First Meeting14. Qualification Is the Key to Quota B15. The Objection Connection16.Closing Is Sweet Success17.Sixteen Power Closes for Aspiring Champions18.A Clutch of Moneygrabbers19.How to Perspire Less and Profit More From Papenwork20. Fortune Building Starts with Time Planning21. How to Sell Your Way Out of a Slump22. The Most Necessary Skill of All23. How to Sell to the Most Important People You KnowIndex
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