健康生活2/Fit for Life II

出版時間:1985-12  出版社:Grand Central Pub  作者:Diamond, Harvey  頁數:316  


"It is not only what you eat that makes the difference, but also of extreme importance is when you eat it and in what combinations," say Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, authors of this classic bestseller. Their program results in eating balanced, nutritious, high-fiber foods, making dieting "unnecessary and as obsolete as sealing wax." The Diamonds explain that body functions have a daily cycle: noon to 8 p.m.-- appropriation (eating and digestion); 8 p.m. to 4 a.m.--assimilation (absorption and use); 4 a.m. to noon--elimination (of body wastes and food debris). Fit for Life aims to return you to a lifestyle based on your natural body cycles. That means 70 percent of your diet should be "high-water-content foods"--fruits and vegetables--which facilitate all body functions. Consume nothing but fruit or fruit juice until noon, then eat salad and vegetables with every meal for the rest of the day. Two-thirds of the book is explanation and discussion; one-third is menu plans and recipes. You won't be hungry, your food choices will be healthy, and you'll lose weight without dieting. --Joan Price


INTRODUCTION BY KAY S.LAWRENCE,M.D.FOREWARD BY EDWARD A .TAUB,M.D.,F.A.A.P.PART Ⅰ-The principlesINTRODUCTION  1.Diets don~twork  2.natural hygiene  3.the natural body cycles  4.the theory of metabolic imbalance  5.the principle of high-water content food   6.the principle of proper food combining  7.the principle of correct fruit consumption  8.the theory of detoxification  9.protein  10.dairy products   11.exercise are what you think you are   13. the most frequently asked questionPART Ⅱ-The programINTRODUCTION  1.BREAKFAST  2.fresh juices  3.the energy ladder  4. the fit for life shopping list  5.the main-course salad guidelinesA four-week example of the fitness life -styleIN CONCLUSIONBIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX



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