
出版時間:2006-5  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Grubb, Neil R./ Newby, David E.  頁數(shù):552  


The POCKETBOOK OF CARDIOLOGY is designed to provide the practical information required for managing cardiology in-patients and out-patients. This includes sections on dealing with common out-patient consultations, common interspecialty referrals, cardiological problems on the cardiac surgery unit, acute cardiological emergencies, and terminal care in cardiology. Also, as cardiology is a specialty with a high technical content, sections are included that provide the core information relating to the common technical subspecialties - echocardiography, cardiac catheterisation and catheter intervention, pacing and electrophysiology. Finally, a technical data section provides details of normal values for cardiac catheterisation, echocardiography and electrocardiography.A practical manual of clinical cardiology, fully updated with the latest ·treatments and approaches. ·Attractive two colour layout. ·Written for doctors entering cardiology as career registrars who require       ·practically-based materials, but of value to nursing staff and GPs.


SECTION A Trainee's Survival Guide  1.Refresher course in basic cardiology   2.Cardiology consultations and referrals   3.Emergency cardiological procedures SECTION B Management of inpatient cardiac problems  4.Acute cardiac emergencies   5.Acute coronary syndromes   6.Cardiac failure    7.Acute arrhythmias   8.Infective endocarditis   9.Pericardial disease  10.Accelerated hypertension and pulmonary embolism SEC rIoN C Management of outpatient cardiac problems 11.New patient consultations  12.Review consuItations  13.Miscellaneous outpatient problems  14.Grown-up congenital heartdisease(GUCH) 15.Cardiac rehabiIitation  SECTION D lnVestigative and interventional cardiology 16.Electrophysiology  17.Device therapy  18.Cardiac catheterization and intervention  19.Echocardjography  20.Nuclear cardiology lndex



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