出版時(shí)間:2003-12 出版社:Churchill Livingstone 作者:Petz MD, Lawrence D.,Garratty PhD FRCPath, George 頁(yè)數(shù):591
Here's a New Edition of Petz & Garratty's classic text, Acquired Immune Hemolytic Anemias, originally published in 1980. The scope of the book has now been expanded to include the full spectrum of immune hemolytic anemias, rather than simply acquired (drug-related) diseases. Completely revised and updated from beginning to end, it presents authoritative coverage of all of today's best laboratory tests as well as the latest diagnostic and treatment methods.
1 Historical Concepts of Immune Hemolytic Anemias THE LESSONS OF HISTORY EARLIEST DESCRIPTIONS OF POSSIBLE ACQUIRED HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA EARLY EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF BLOOD RED BLOOD CELL AGGLUTINATION FIRST DESCRIPTION OF HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN CONGENITAL AND ACQUIRED HEMOLYTIC ANEMIAS DESCRIPTION OF0 SPHEROCYTES AND ANALYSIS OF THEIR SIGNIFICANCE OSMOTIC FRAGILITY OF RED BLOOD CELLS RETICULOCYTES THE CONCEPTS OF IMMUNE HEMOLYSIS AND HORRORAUTOTOXICUS THE FIRST DESCRIPTION OF AN AUTOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA EARLY DIAGNOSTIC TESTS FOR PAROXYSMAL COLD HEMOGLOBINURIA THE DONATH-LANDSTEINER DISCOVERY, 1904: THE FIRST DESCRIPTION OF AN AUTOANTIBODY AND OF AN AUTOIMMUNE HUMAN DISEASE FURTHER STUDIES ON THE MECHANISMS OF HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA AND OBSERVATIONS ON THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN CONGENITAL AND ACQUIRED FORMS THE ROLE OF THE SPLEEN AND THE EFFECT OF SPLENECTOMY FURTHER CHARACTERIZATION OF HEMOLYTIC ANEMIAS MEASUREMENTS OF RED BLOOD CELL SURVIVAL THE ANTIGLOBULIN (COOMBS') TEST THE CONCEPTOF AUTOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA RADIOACTIVE CHROMIUM (51CR) AND DF32p COLDAGGLUTININ SYNDROME MORE RECENT EVENTS HISTORICAL NOTES REGARDING HEMOLYTIC TRANSFUSION REACTIONS FIRST RECORDS OF TRANSFUSIONS THE FIRST RECORD OF HEMOLYTIC TRANSFUSION REACTIONS NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONTROVERSY 2 The Diagnosis of Hemolytic Anemia DEFINITIONS Hemolysis Compensated Hemolytic Disease Anemia with a Hemolytic Component Hemolytic Anemia Acquired Hemolytic Anemia Hereditary Hemolytic Anemias Congenital Hemolytic Anemias Intravascular Hemolysis Extravascular Hemolysis DETERMINATION OF THE HEMOLYTIC NATURE OF AN ANEMIA The Blood Count Reticulocytes RBC Morphology Bilirubin Serum Haptoglobin Serum Lactic Oehydrogenase Transfusion Requirement Intravascular Hemolysis Hemopexin and Methemalbumin Hemosiderinuria Other Tests Summary and Comments Concerning the Value of Laboratory Tests to Determine the Presence of Hemolysis ESTABLISHING A TENTATIVE DIAGNOSIS OF THE CAUSE OF THE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA History and Physical Examination The Peripheral Blood Film Intravascular Hemolysis The Direct Antiglobulin Test SPECIFIC CONFIRMATORY TESTS 3 Classification and Clinical Characteristics of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemias CLASSIFICATION CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AUTOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIAS Warm Antibody AIHA Incidence Age Distribution Sex Distribution Clinical Manifestations Physical Signs The Blood Picture Bone Marrow Findings Reticulecytes Prognosis and Survival Recovery from AIHA Cold Agglutinin Syndrome Incidence Age and Sex Distribution Symptoms and Signs Laboratory Findings Course and Prognosis Management Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria Incidence Classification Race, Sex, and Age Distribution Idiopathic and Secondary Types Symptoms and Signs Hematologic Findings Laboratory Diagnosis Chronic Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria Treatment and Prognosis Combined Cold and Warm AIHA or "Mixed" AIHA Case Reports Secondary Cold and Warm AIHA ……3 Claaifcation and Clinical Charateristics of Autoimmue Hemolytic Anemias4 Mechanisms of Immune Hemolysis5 DifferentialDiagnosis of Immune Hemolytic Anemias6 The Serological Investigation of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia7 Specificity of Autoantibodies8 Drug-Induced Immune Hemolytic Anemia9 Unusal Aspects of Immune Hemolytic Anemias10 Blood Transfusion in Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemias11 Management of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemias12 Immune Hemolysis Associated with Transplantation13 Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn 14 Hemolytic Transfusion ReactionsIndex