產(chǎn)科學(xué)聚焦Obstetrics In Focus

出版時間:2004-12  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:James, David K./ McEwan, Alec  頁數(shù):186  


In Focus Obstetrics is aimed at all medical and health science students who require an introductory, low cost and highly illustrated guide to this specialty. The material is presented in double page spreads. The left-hand page has a synoptic and highly structured text (normally under the following headings: incidence; clinical features; differential diagnosis; management; prognosis). The right-hand page has a selection of four to six clinical photographs.  Obstetrics In Focus is a convenient pocket size and therefore ideal for quick preparation before ward rounds. Each volume also includes self-assessment material, which is extremely helpful for preparation for examinations.  Because of shorter time spent by women in hospital during pregnancy and after delivery, students are less likely to be able to see the full range of problems associated with pregnancy during their (ever shorter) short clinical attachments - the books in this series help supply that deficit.


1  Early pregnancy  2  Normal pregnancy and care  3  Early pregnancy  4  Congenital infections  5  Prenatal diagnosis  6  Chromosomal abnormalities  7  Fetal imaging  8  Congenital abnormalities  9  Rhesus disease  10  Non-immune hydrops fetalis  11  Maternal disease  12  Fetal growth restriction  13  Antepartum fetal health assessment  14  Prematurity  15  Antepartum haemorrhage  16  Labour  17  Episiotomy  18  Induction of labour  19  Forceps  20  Vacuum/ventouse  21  Caesarean section  22  Twins  23  Breech presentation  24  Fetal birth trauma  25  The puerperium  26  Contraception after pregnancy QuestionsAnswersIndex



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