
出版時間:2003-4  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Balen, Adam H.; Jacobs, Howard S.  頁數(shù):489  


The comprehensive and practical 2nd Edition takes a modern approach to managing fertility in the context of sound theory and evidence-based therapy. Based on the authors' clinical experience, it discusses today's understanding of the causes of infertility and the latest innovations in their investigation and management. Six well-organized sections cover background, diagnosis, and counseling · diagnosis and treatment · assisted conception, ethics, regulations, and guidelines · complications · pregnancy · and treatment failure.  Discusses all aspects of infertility  Provides practical clinical guidance on diagnosis and treatment  Considers the side effects of assisted reproductive technology and the cost of treatment  Illustrates concepts with informative line drawings, photographs, and radiographic images  Covers the latest technologies, including micromanipulation of gametes, cryopreservation of ovarian tissue, and cloning and stem cell research  Introduces a new chapter on polycystic ovary syndrome  Features the latest guidelines  European and US guidelines.


Foreword to the first edition by Alan DeCherneyForeword to the second edition by lan D CookePrefaceAcknowledgementsSECTION 1: Infertility- Background, diagnosis and counseling 1  Introduction 2  Prevention of infertility 3  Planning a pregnancy 4  Investigating infertility 5  CounselingSECTION 2." Management - Diagnosis and treatment Introduction to Section 2 - Cost-effectiveness of therapy  6  Anovulatory infertility and ovulation induction  7  Polycystic ovary syndrome 8  Ovarian failure and resistant ovary syndrome 9  Endometriosis 10 Tubal infertility and fibroids 11 Male factor infertility 12 Unexplained infertilitySECTION 3- Assisted conception, ethics, and the HFEA 13 Assisted conception 14 The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) 15 Ethical issues 16 Follow-up of children born from assisted reproduction techniquesSECTION 4: Complications of treatment 17 Complications of ovarian stimulation 18 Emerging technologiesSECTION 5." Pregnancy 19 Miscarriage after fertility treatment 20 Recurrent miscarriage 21 Ectopic pregnancySECTION 6: Treatment failure 22 When to stop treatment and other optionsUseful addressesFurther readingAppendixIndex



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