婦產(chǎn)科手術(shù)技巧Surgical Techniques in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

出版時間:2004-1  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Maxwell FRCOG MRANZCOG, Darryl J.  頁數(shù):246  


This well-illustrated, highly practical, how-to book covers all of the basic principles of operating in the pelvic region. Readers will find a back-to-basics approach to both obstetrics and gynecology that focuses on standard procedures such as hysterectomy and laparoscopy. Each chapter has been written by a specialist who makes the content easier to understand and apply.    Provides core information on basic surgical technique, instruments and materials.    Offers tips on using good technique to avoid surgical pitfalls.    Explains the principles of what to do when problems are encountered.    Uses over 190 line drawings and photos to illustrate the text


Dedication List of contributors Foreword by Sir Barry Jackson Preface Acknowledgements1 General principles   1. Developing surgical expertise in obstetrics and gynaecology    Acquiring surgical expertise-the changing picture    Acquiring expertise in 'open' gynaecological surgery    Acquiring expertise in obstetric procedures    Gaining experience in endoscopic surgery    The continuum of care    Limitations and continuing education    References  2. Clinical governance in obstetrics and gynaecology: risk management and consent    Clinical governance    Consent    High-risk areas in obstetrics    High-risk areas in gynaecology    Acknowledgement    References  3. Surgical wounds and their care    Principles of wound healing    Surgical wound complications    The management of open wounds    Unintentional, secondary wounding    Conclusion    References  4. Perioperative care    Introduction    Preoperative considerations    Operative considerations    Postoperative considerations    Obstetric high dependency unit    Further reading 2 Obstetric techniques   5. Operative obstetrics    General principles of obstetric surgery    Repair of episiotomy and tears    Cervical cerclage    Caesarean section    Conclusion    References  6. Obstetric techniques for massive haemorrhage    Definition and incidence    Techniques for controlling haemorrhage References   ……3 Gynaecological techniques  4 General surgical principles in obsterics and gynaecology  Index



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